Examples of Guarantee Framework Agreement in a sentence
The Mission was informed that a draft Guarantee Framework Agreement (GFA), Water Supply Agreement (WSA) and Implementation Agreement (IA) is ready.
The guarantee fees are to be calculated at an annualized rate of 0.1% in respect of the actual loan amounts being drawn under the loan facilities contract and based on the drawdown period (including the first and last days) until the release or termination of the guarantees granted under the Guarantee Framework Agreement.
The Company, as the ultimate controlling shareholder of Hunan Tiantong, will take into account of its own financial condition and provide the Guarantee to Hunan Tiantong, subject to its compliance with the requirements under the Guarantee Framework Agreement.
Such cap of the guarantee can be rolled over within the term of the Guarantee Framework Agreement, provided that the guarantee to be re-granted shall not exceed the available guarantee balance.
Guarantee fee: Hunan Tiantong Group shall pay certain guaranteefees to the Company during the validity period of the Guarantee Framework Agreement.
The Company will claim against Mr. Li for the actual amounts repaid to the financial institution (if any) due to the default of the obligor on any specific loan amount pursuant to the Guarantee Framework Agreement.
The guarantee was issued in terms of the Guarantee Framework Agreement of R176 billion which was provided to Eskom in 2009 to obtain funding for their capital expenditure programme for the next five years.
The Company, as the controlling shareholder of Hunan Tiantong, is of the view that the provision of the Guarantee pursuant to the Guarantee Framework Agreement for a three-year period effective from the date on which the approval from Independent Shareholders is obtained at the EGM can better facilitate the rapid and foreseeable business development of Hunan Tiantong Group in the near future.
As the highest applicable percentage ratio (excluding profits ratio) (as defined in Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules) in respect of the annual caps of the Guarantee under the Guarantee Framework Agreement exceeds 25%, the Guarantee contemplated under the Guarantee Framework Agreement shall be subject to the reporting, announcement, annual review and independent shareholders’ approval requirements under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.
In the event that the aforesaid cap is exceeded, the amounts and terms of the guarantee to be granted shall be determined by each party in accordance with the terms of the Guarantee Framework Agreement, and to be approved by the guarantor in accordance with its articles of association and complied with the applicable requirements under the Listing Rules.