Guaranteed Death Benefit definition
Guaranteed Death Benefit means an amount which will be highest of the following:
Guaranteed Death Benefit. INTEREST RATE - The annual rate at which the Guaranteed Death Benefit is calculated. GUARANTEE PERIOD - The period of years a rate of interest is guaranteed to be credited to a Fixed Allocation or allocations to a Guaranteed Interest Division.
Guaranteed Death Benefit means 105% of the total Regular Premiums / Single Premium paid
Examples of Guaranteed Death Benefit in a sentence
Any addition due to spousal continuation will not affect the Maximum Guaranteed Death Benefit or the Guaranteed Death Benefit Base.
Transfers and withdrawals will affect the allocation of the Maximum Guaranteed Death Benefit at the same proportion among the Special and non-Special Funds that they bear to the Accumulation Value transferred or withdrawn.
The Guaranteed Death Benefit for the Contact is equal to the sum of I and II below.
The Maximum Guaranteed Death Benefit is allocated proportionally based on the Contract's allocation to Special and non-Special funds.
The resulting increase in the Guaranteed Death Benefit Base for Special Funds will equal the reduction in Guaranteed Death Benefit Base for non-Special Funds.
More Definitions of Guaranteed Death Benefit
Guaranteed Death Benefit means higher of:
Guaranteed Death Benefit. If the Owner dies before a Settlement Option has commenced, the amount of the death benefit will be the greater of:
(i) Net Purchase Payments less any prior Withdrawals, including applicable charges; or
(ii) The Contract Value determined as of the Valuation Period next following the date both proof of death and an election of single sum payment or a Settlement Option is received by SAFECO.
Guaranteed Death Benefit means that the Company guarantees that the policy will not lapse during the first five policy years and that a death benefit will be paid if a sufficient amount of premium has been paid. See the Guaranteed Death Benefit Provision on page _____.
Guaranteed Death Benefit shall have the meaning set forth in the policy form(s) of the Company as specified In Exhibit A.
Guaranteed Death Benefit. Premium is shown in the Policy Schedule. This Premium will be recalculated when: the Face Amount is increased or decreased; the amount provided by riders attached to the Policy is increased or decreased; a partial surrender which results in a decrease in Face Amount is made; or the underwriting class of the Policy and its riders is changed to a more favorable underwriting class. When this Premium is recalculated, the new Premium and its effective date will be shown in Section 1 of the Policy.
Guaranteed Death Benefit. The initial Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit shall be equal to the initial Net Purchase Payment. Additional Net Purchase Payments are added to the Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit. The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be adjusted after any Withdrawal by multiplying it by the ratio of the Contract Value after the Withdrawal to the Contract Value before the Withdrawal. The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit shall be redetermined on each Eight Year Contract Anniversary by taking the greater of the Contract Value on that Eight Year Contract Anniversary or the previous Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit. After the Owner's death, the Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced dollar for dollar by any Withdrawals.
Guaranteed Death Benefit to the Younger Insured's Age 100 Your Policy will remain in force until the later of the younger Insured's Attained Age 100, even if the Total Account Value is insufficient to satisfy the current Monthly Deduction, if on each Monthly Deduction Day the sum of all premiums paid equals or exceeds the sum of all Guaranteed Death Benefit to the Younger Insured's Age 100 Premiums for each Policy Month from the Date of Issue, including the current month, plus any Partial Surrenders. If We determine on a Monthly Deduction Day that this condition Page 13 has not been satisfied, the Guaranteed Death Benefit Provision will terminate. You will have 61 days to pay the amount required to keep the Guaranteed Death Benefit to the Younger Insured's Age 100 in force. If the required payment is not made within this time period and it is determined that the condition for the Guaranteed Death Benefit to the Younger Insured's Age 80 has been satisfied, Your Policy will remain in force until the Younger Insured's Attained Age 80. The Guaranteed Death Benefit Provision to the Younger Insured's Age 100 will terminate and the conditions set forth in the Guaranteed Death Benefit to the Younger Insured's Age 80 provision will be applicable. If Guaranteed Death Benefit to the Younger Insured's Age 100 premiums have been paid, but outstanding loans have caused this Policy to enter the Grace Period, this provision will not keep this Policy in force beyond the Grace Period. Your Guaranteed Death Benefit to the Younger Insured's Age 100 premium will continue to be due and payable if the conditions of the Grace Period are met. The Guaranteed Death Benefit to the Younger Insured's Age 100 premium is shown in the Policy Specifications. The Guaranteed Death Benefit to the Younger Insured's Age 100 may not, depending on the Death Benefit Option chosen, be available to all risk classes. Changes to the Guaranteed Death Benefit Once terminated, the Guaranteed Death Benefit to the Younger Insured's Age 80 and the Guaranteed Death Benefit to the Younger Insured's Age 100 provisions cannot be reinstated.