Hangar definition

Hangar means a type of enclosed structure designed to hold one (1) or more aircraft and items incidental to the operation and maintenance of the stored aircraft.
Hangar means an airport structure intended for the following uses:
Hangar means any buildings used primarily for storage of Aircraft.

Examples of Hangar in a sentence

  • Hangar development has been identified on the airport with partial finding completed for development.

More Definitions of Hangar

Hangar means a building designed or used primarily for the housing or storage of aircraft.
Hangar means a covered or enclosed Building used for housing and repairing aircraft within one thousand (1000) metres of an aerodrome as that term is defined in the Aeronautics Act, R.S.C., 1985, c.A-2. For the purposes of this By-law, hangars will be considered an industrial development.
Hangar means a structure used for housing aircraft.
Hangar means any structure built primarily to accommodate the in-door storage of aircraft.
Hangar means any structure used to protect aircraft stored in the structure for security and protection against wind and other adverse weather conditions and is classified as to occupancy use per the appropriate Building Code.
Hangar means the hangar of ExecuJet located at parking bay E34 at Dubai International Airport or such other hangar agreed between the Parties;
Hangar means an aircraft hangar, all right, title and interest of the Company in and to the real property on which the hangar is located and the other improvements on such real property, in each case that have been made subject to the Lien of the Hangar Security Agreement.