Examples of HARD HATS in a sentence
HARD HATS: Where necessary, when an employee does not have a hard hat, the employer will supply a hard hat.
If the Contracting Officer directs the contractor to perform tests, and/or if the material is found hazardous and additional protective measures are needed, a contract change may be required, subject to equitable adjustment under the terms of the contract.End of Text HEAD PROTECTION (HARD HATS) The entire work area under this contract is designated as a hard hat area.
HARD HATS shall be worn at all times while on the construction site.
Meeting attendees must bring HARD HATS, SAFETY GLASSES WITH SIDE SHIELDS AND BOOTS WITH TOE PROTECTION in order to participate in the on-site walk through.
Meeting attendees must bring HARD HATS, SAFETY GLASSES WITH SIDE XXXXXXX AND BOOTS WITH TOE PROTECTION to participate in the on-site walk through.
If the Contracting Officer directs the contractor to perform tests, and/or if the material is found hazardous and additional protective measures are needed, a contract change may be required, subject to equitable adjustment under the terms of the contract.(End of Text) HEAD PROTECTION (HARD HATS) The entire work area under this contract is designated as a hard hat area.
See, e.g., OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH ADMIN., U.S. DEP’T OF LAB., STD 1-6.5: EXEMPTION FOR RELIGIOUS REASON FROM WEARING HARD HATS (June 20, 1994), https://www.osha.gov/enforcement/directives/std-01-06-005 (exempting employers from citations for certain violations based on religious objection of employee, but providing for various reporting requirements).
Signed: Date: Print Name & Title: Company: Contract Description/Specification No: Labor Standards Consultant for HARD HATS /24-11631-C (Reissued) Please direct questions regarding this form to the Auditor's Office, at (510) 981-6750.
Meeting attendees must bring HARD HATS, SAFETY GLASSES WITH SIDE SHIELDS AND BOOTS WITH TOE PROTECTION to participate in the on-site walk through.
CURRENT SITUATION AND ITS EFFECTSOn September 20, 2022, the City Council approved a referral to the City Attorney and City Manager to draft a HARD HATS Ordinance for adoption.1 The purpose of the ordinance is to address the shortage of qualified local construction workers, rising labor costs, and set a new bar for labor standards in the local construction industry.