High school equivalency test definition

High school equivalency test means the G.E.D. test developed by the GED Testing Service, the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) developed by CTS/McGraw-Hill, the HISET test developed by the Education Testing Service (ETS), or another comparable test approved by the department of talent and economic development.
High school equivalency test means the G.E.D. test
High school equivalency test means a test measuring the knowledge and skills usually learned in high school that is administered by a state-approved institution or organization;

More Definitions of High school equivalency test

High school equivalency test means the G.E.D. test developed by the GED Testing Service, the HISET exam developed by Educational Testing Service (ETS), or another comparable test approved by the department of labor and economic opportunity.
High school equivalency test means the G.E.D. test developed by the GED
High school equivalency test means the G.E.D. test developed by the GED Testing Service, the HISET exam administered by PSI Services, or another comparable test approved by the department of labor and economic opportunity.
High school equivalency test means a high school
High school equivalency test means the G.E.D. test developed by the GED Testing Service, the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) developed by CTS/McGraw-Hill, the HISET test developed by
High school equivalency test means a high school equivalency test approved by the department under section 107.
High school equivalency test means a test designed for individuals without a high school diploma to demonstrate the competencies of a high school graduate.