Examples of Highly Effective in a sentence
HEDI RangesUsing the dropdown menus below, please indicate the locally-determined rubric scoring ranges based on the constraints prescribed by the Commissioner in Subpart 30-3 of the Rules of the Board of Regents for each of the rating categories.Please select a minimum value between 3.50 and 3.75 and choose 4.00 as the maximum value for the Highly Effective range.
CheckedAssure that, if observations are being conducted by trained peer observer(s), these teacher(s) received an overall rating of Effective or Highly Effective in the previous school year.
CheckedAssure that, if school visits are being conducted by trained peer observer(s), these principal(s) received an overall rating of Effective or Highly Effective in the previous school year.
Highly Effective (18 - 20 points) Results are well above District- or BOCES-adopted expectations for growth or achievement for grade/subject.
This appointment is contingent upon her successful completion of the probationary term and having received annual composite or overall APPR ratings of Highly Effective or Effective in at least three of the four preceding years and a rating higher than “Ineffective” in the final year of the probationary period.