HNZ definition
Examples of HNZ in a sentence
Basic activity of the HNZ is the production of coins for the needs of the Republic of Croatia and for the needs of other states.
In spite of the fact that HNZ has the monopoly position in the Republic of Croatia, this company must necessarily respect and apply the conceptions of modern management, that is, “create strategies that include flexibility, adaptability and the ability to predict changes in the environment”.2 There are at least two rea- sons for this: the first is that HNZ as a public company has to make profit, and the second is the expected membership of the Republic of Croatia in the European Union (the EU).
Installation prices quoted exclude any allowance for archaeological, iwi, HNZ, Heritage or Arboricultural investigation, assessment and reporting or authority to modify, resource, engineering and or building consent conditions.
Clauses 31.2 to 31.6 (“Bargaining Fee”) from the 2017-2020 MECA will be included (with updated dates as appropriate) in the next ASMS/ HNZ collective agreement.
The planned introduction of Euro makes this even more important.The product line of the HNZ includes four kinds of metallic moneys, and theseare:- circulation metallic money;- commemorative circulation metallic money- commemorative metallic money and- commemorative metallic money outside of the existing monetary system.
Concurrently with each quarterly payment, the Company shall cause to be provided to Karlsson (i) a quarterly statement setting forth for that quarter the finished tons of all Authorized Minerals, the Company’s Gross Sales and the HNZ Royalties received by the Company, (ii) the payments made to the Other Royalty Holders; and (iii) the calculation of the Royalty payable to Karlsson.
The Host association are to provide the tournament with the correct match balls – White Kookaburra with the exception of:- At National Masters Tournament, each team will supply a White HNZ-approved Match Ball.- At the Ford National Hockey League, HNZ will provide the Match Balls.
Chapter 11 Plan of 12.5x 7.6x Reorganization 10/31/2017 HNZ Group Inc.
Associations are to support their respective umpires to attend this tournament, with HNZ to cover all umpires and accommodation and local transport costs.
HNZ could do this in order to minimise trading risk and deduct the resulting realised loss from your remaining funds held by HNZ.