Burswood Casino means those premises in the Resort Complex identified in the Drawings as the areas to constitute the casino and includes areas in which money counting, surveillance, storage and other activities related to the conduct and playing of Games are carried on; and
Casino means a casino as defined in section 1 of the KwaZulu-Natal Gaming and Betting Act, 2010 (Act No. 8 of 2010);
Native American means a person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and who is regarded as such by the community of which this person claims to be a part or who is recognized by a tribal organization.
Youth Football means those participating at ages under 11s to under 18s.
South Caucasus/Central and South Asian (SC/CASA) state means Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
CDBG means community development block grant.
Retail marijuana store means an entity licensed to purchase marijuana from marijuana cultivation facilities and marijuana and marijuana products from marijuana product manufacturing facilities and to sell marijuana and marijuana products to consumers.
Ohio Business Gateway means the online computer network system, created under section 125.30 of the Ohio Revised Code, that allows persons to electronically file business reply forms with state agencies and includes any successor electronic filing and payment system.
Virginia Stormwater Management Program authority or "VSMP authority" means an authority approved by the State Board after September 13, 2011, to operate a Virginia Stormwater Management Program.
Lottery or “state lottery” means the lottery created pursuant to this act and operated exclusively by or under the exclusive control of the bureau of state lottery.
Senior citizen center means a facility having the primary purpose of providing services to the aged as defined in Section 62A-3-101.
Gaming means that term as defined in section 2 of the Michigan gaming control and revenue act, 1996 IL 1, MCL 432.202.
Public School Student Accessing Courses at a Distance means a student who is scheduled for a full course load through the District and attends all classes virtually.
Gaming Facility means any gaming establishment, facility and other property or assets ancillary or related thereto or used in connection therewith, including, without limitation, any casinos, hotels, resorts, theaters, parking facilities, timeshare operations, retail shops, restaurants, other buildings, land, golf courses and other recreation and entertainment facilities, marinas, vessels and related equipment.
Community Contribution Company means a corporation formed under the laws of British Columbia that includes in its articles the following statement:
Class III Gaming means Class III Gaming as defined in the IGRA.
Universal Digital Loop Carrier (UDLC means the DLC system that has a CO terminal channel bank that is connected to the CO switches on the analog side.
Youth center means any public or private facility that is primarily used to host recreational or social activities for minors, including, but not limited to, private youth membership organizations or clubs, social service teenage club facilities, video arcades, or similar amusement park facilities.
Games means games of chance.
SITC means the Standard International Trade Classification, Revision 3 (SITC, Rev. 3), published by the United Nations in Statistical Papers, Series M, No. 34/Rev. 3 (1986);
South Caucasus/Central and South Asian (SC/CASA) state means Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
Native Americans, as used in this provision, means U.S. citizens who are American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut, or native Hawaiian.
Airport lounge means a business location:
Distribution center means a building or structure used primarily for the storage of goods which are intended for subsequent shipment to retail outlets. Distribution center does not mean a building or structure used primarily to store raw agricultural products, used primarily by a manufacturer to store goods to be used in the manufacturing process, used primarily for the storage of petroleum products, or used for the retail sale of goods.
Retail Store – means any business facility that sells goods directly to the consumer whether for or not-for-profit, including, but not limited to, retail stores, restaurants, pharmacies, convenience and grocery stores, liquor stores, as well as seasonal and temporary businesses.
Retail tobacco store means a retail store utilized primarily for the sale of tobacco products and accessories and in which the sale of other products is merely incidental.