HUD Notice definition
Examples of HUD Notice in a sentence
Applicable criteria and standards specified in HUD environmental regulations (24 C.F.R. Part 51)(other than the runway clear zone and clear zone notification requirement in 24 C.F.R. § 51.303(a)(3); and HUD Notice 79-33, Policy Guidance to Address the Problems Posed by Toxic Chemicals and Radioactive Materials, September 10, 1979.
The PHA will fully comply with the obligations found in HUD Notice PIH 2002-01 (HA) [Accessibility Notice: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 and the Fair Housing Act of 1988].
Leasing without demolition, rehabilitation or construction, and no physical activities beyond maintenance as defined in HUD Notice CPD-16-02, “Guidance for Categorizing an Activity as Maintenance for Compliance with HUD Environmental Regulations, 24 CFR Parts 50 and 58”.
Refinancing without demolition, rehabilitation or new construction, and no physical activities beyond maintenance as defined in HUD Notice CPD-16-02, “Guidance for Categorizing an Activity as Maintenance for Compliance with HUD Environmental Regulations, 24 CFR Parts 50 and 58”.
Applicable criteria and standards specified in HUD environmental regulations (24 C.F.R. Part 51) (other than the runway clear zone and clear zone notification requirement in 24 C.F.R. § 51.303(a)(3)); and HUD Notice 79-33, Policy Guidance to Address the Problems Posed by Toxic Chemicals and Radioactive Materials, September 10, 1979.
Is this organization a Minority Business Enterprise YES NO A “Minority Business Enterprise as defined in HUD Notice PIH 88-11 Paragraph (3) "Minority Business Enterprise" means a business enterprise that is 51 percent or more owned, controlled, and actively operated by one or more persons who are classified as part of a racial or ethnic minority group.
The Agency Official shall follow HUD Notice CPD-12-006 “Process for Tribal Consultation in Projects That Are Reviewed Under 24 CFR Part 58” and the May 5, 2015 HUD policy memo that adopts the Notice for Part 50 reviews.
Applicable criteria and standards specified in HUD environmental regulations (24 C.F.R. Part 51) (other than the runway clear zone and clear zone notification requirement in 24 C.F.R. § 51.303(a)(3); and HUD Notice 79-33, Policy Guidance to Address the Problems Posed by Toxic Chemicals and Radioactive Materials, September 10, 1979.
Applicable criteria and standards specified in HUD environmental regulations (24 C.F.R. Part 51)(other than the runway clear zone and clear zone notification requirement in 24 C.F.R. § 51.303(a)(3)); and HUD Notice 79-33, Policy Guidance to Address the Problems Posed by Toxic Chemicals and Radioactive Materials, September 10, 1979.
Brooke County, Hancock County, or the City of Weirton's Resale/Recapture Policy for Homeownership Activities are based on the HOME Program rules found in 24 CFR Part 92 and HUD Notice CPD 12-003.The issue of resale/recapture arises when a homeowner that received home buyer assistance under the HOME Program decides to sell the property.