Examples of Hunter Region in a sentence
HUNTER REGION SPORTS ADMINISTRATOR AWARD MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Mr Warren Evans who received this year's Hunter Region Sports Administrator Award.
If you have an enquiry relating to an account, payment options concession entitlements or other information about our services, we would encourage you to contact us as follows:• by telephone between 8.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday on 1300 657 657• by writing to us at PO Box 5171, Hunter Region Mail Centre NSW 2310• by using the enquiries email link on our website at www.hunterwater.com.au If we cannot resolve your enquiry immediately, we will respond to your request within three working days.
In March 2007, the Hunter Development Corporation (HDC) (formerly the Regional Land Management Corporation Pty Ltd) was created by the Government to manage the day-to-day activities of former BHP and other Crown lands in the Lower Hunter Region, including remedial and redevelopment works for the Closure Area Site (SKM 2004).
Ausgrid supplies electricity to more than 1.6 million customers in Sydney, the Central Coast and the Hunter Region in NSW.
Flood Watches will be included in NSW SES Flood Bulletins issued by the NSW SES Hunter Region Headquarters.
By signing below, you grant me permission to share the minimum information about our work together necessary for the LPC-S to provide supervisory servicesin accordance with state laws.
The Hunter Region in NSW was selected as it is relatively similar to Tasmania in terms of its geography and its catchment area.
The Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal Corporation are also seeking other land if the Huntllee proposal falls through as there is a need for the Hunter Region to have such a facility to showcase Aboriginal culture and heritage to the Hunter region.
U1.1 The licensee must conduct a noise assessment in accordance with the document, ' NSW Industrial Noise Policy', (EPA, 2000) for the operations and activities carried out at the licensed premises and submit a report to the Manager, Hunter Region, by no later than 30 June 2013.
Specialist medical palliative care services in the Hunter Region consist of the Director (Professor), 3 full time palliative care specialists, a 0.5 FTE Hospital Medical Officer and, in normal circumstances, a Senior Resident Medical Officer and Registrar position.