Examples of ICT facilities in a sentence
However, parents working for, or with, the school/Trust in an official capacity (for instance, as a volunteer or as a member of the PTA) may be granted an appropriate level of access, or be permitted to use the ICT facilities at the CEO, COO or Head of IT’s discretion.
Staff, pupils, parents and others who use the ICT facilities should use safe computing practices at all times.
Staff should be aware that personal use of ICT (even when not using school ICT facilities) can impact on their employment by, for instance putting personal details in the public domain, where pupils and parents could see them.
Minster Trust for Education reserves the right to monitor the use of its ICT facilities and networks.
Staff should be aware that use of ICT facilities for personal use may put personal communications within the scope of the school’s ICT monitoring activities (see section 5.5).
The following is considered unacceptable use of the ICT facilities by any member of the MITRE community.
The CEO, COO or Head of IT will use their professional judgement to determine whether any act or behaviour not on the list above is considered unacceptable use of the school’s or Trust’s ICT facilities.
Staff are permitted to occasionally use school ICT facilities for personal use subject to certain conditions set out below.
All users of the ICT facilities should set strong passwords for their accounts and keep these passwords secure.