IDEA definition
Examples of IDEA in a sentence
The parties agree to meet periodically to address IDEA implementation.
APM shall document the interventions as required through the Response to Intervention Process for use and consideration in all referrals under the IDEA.
APM will provide the LEA with any required data for IDEA self-assessment process in a timely fashion.
APM shall implement IEP services as determined by the LEA through the IEP and IDEA referral and evaluation process, to include assurances of providing the special education instructional time as required by the IEP and document progress on IEP goals at least as often as documenting progress for students without disabilities.
APM staff shall participate in staff development opportunities provided by AASD pertaining to IDEA, ADA, Section 504, NCLB, AHERA and other related training provided for the implementation of educational services.