Examples of Illegal Discharge in a sentence
Illegal discharge of wastewaters, garbage in case of serious environmental damage is treated as criminal offence under the Penal Code.
Suspension due to the Detection of Illegal DischargeAny person discharging to the Town’s Storm Drainage System in violation of this by-law may have their access terminated if such termination would abate or reduce an Illegal discharge.
Such detention may be imposed where an enterprise commits any of the following acts which does not constitute a criminal offense:■ Refusal to cease construction without carrying out an Environmental Impact Assessment ■ Refusal to cease discharge of pollutants ■ Illegal discharge by illegal facilities, manipulation, etc.
Illegal discharge to the Town’s sanitary or stormwater sewers is expressly prohibited.
Primary TMDL Target: Illegal discharge of sediment, chemical pollutants, and bacteria sources The City’s video-based stormwater pollution prevention training educates all employees about IDDE and emphasizes action by instilling the phrase, “If you see something, say something”.