Examples of Illegal Mining in a sentence
On the Trail of Illicit Gold Proceeds: Strengthening the Fight Against Illegal Mining Finances, OAS, November 2021, p.
Source: TH Issues Related to Illegal Mining of Ores For Prelims: Illegal mining, IBM, Coal, Petroleum, Atomic Minerals, Human rights violations, National Mineral Policy, PMKKY.
On the Trail of Illicit Gold Proceeds: Strengthening the Fight Against Illegal Mining Finances, OAS, November 2021, pp.
The Reality of Illegal Mining in Amazonian Countries, June 2014, p.
Assessment and collection of mining receipts are regulated by the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) (MMDR) Act, 1957, the Mineral Concession (MC) Rules, 1960, Mineral Conservation and Development (MCD) Rules, 1988 and Odisha Minerals (Prevention of Theft, Smuggling and Illegal Mining and Regulation of Possession, Storage, Trading and Transportation) (OM) Rules, 2007 framed thereunder.