Illegal Mining definition

Illegal Mining means any prospecting or mining operations undertaken by any person in any area without holding any mineral concession, permit or any other permission granted or permitted under these rules or without any lawful authority, as the case may be. Explanation: For the purpose of this clause,–
Illegal Mining means any reconnaissance or prospecting or mining operation undertaken by any person or a company in any area without holding a reconnaissance permit or a prospecting licence or as the case may be, a mining lease as required under sub-section(1) of section 4 of the Act.
Illegal Mining means any mining activity undertaken in violation of sub-

Examples of Illegal Mining in a sentence

  • On the Trail of Illicit Gold Proceeds: Strengthening the Fight Against Illegal Mining Finances, OAS, November 2021, p.

  • Source: TH Issues Related to Illegal Mining of Ores For Prelims: Illegal mining, IBM, Coal, Petroleum, Atomic Minerals, Human rights violations, National Mineral Policy, PMKKY.

  • On the Trail of Illicit Gold Proceeds: Strengthening the Fight Against Illegal Mining Finances, OAS, November 2021, pp.

  • The Reality of Illegal Mining in Amazonian Countries, June 2014, p.

  • Assessment and collection of mining receipts are regulated by the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) (MMDR) Act, 1957, the Mineral Concession (MC) Rules, 1960, Mineral Conservation and Development (MCD) Rules, 1988 and Odisha Minerals (Prevention of Theft, Smuggling and Illegal Mining and Regulation of Possession, Storage, Trading and Transportation) (OM) Rules, 2007 framed thereunder.

More Definitions of Illegal Mining

Illegal Mining means and refers to the manner of undertaking mining inconsistent with mining plan/scheme of mining, clearances, permissions including transportation and storage of minerals as required under Act and Rules made thereunder ;
Illegal Mining means any reconnaissance operation or exploration operation or production operation undertaken by any person or company in any offshore area without holding an operating right as required under sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Act or, outside the boundaries of the offshore area for which the operating right has been granted:
Illegal Mining means all exploration and mining activities not in conformity with China's Laws and regulations carried out in the Exploration Areas subsequent to the Contract Approval Date;
Illegal Mining means and refers to the manner of undertaking mining which is inconsistent with mining plan or scheme of mining, clearances given and permissions granted under the Act and rules ;
Illegal Mining means any mining activity done in violation of Section 4 of Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (67 of 1957);
Illegal Mining means any reconnaissance or prospecting or mining operation undertaken by any person or a company in any area without holding a mineral concession as required under sub-section (1) of section 4.
Illegal Mining means any reconnaissance or prospecting or mining or quarrying operation undertaken by any person or a company in any area (i) without holding a mineral concession as required under the Act or rules made thereunder; or (ii) in violation of these rules;