Examples of Mines and Minerals in a sentence
Thus subsection 56(2) of the Mines and Minerals Act provides that any person exercising the right to inject “shall indemnify the Crown in right of Alberta for loss or damage suffered by the Crown in respect of any claims or demands madeby reason of anything done by that person or any other person on that person’s behalf in the exercise or purported exercise of that right”.
SIMRPC provided review of Illinois Department of Mines and Minerals permit applications for NPDES and Federal surface mining permits for new or existing mining operations in the following counties: Madison, Monroe, St. Clair, Washington, Bond, Clinton, and Randolph.
GERPDC provided review of Illinois Department of Mines and Minerals permit applications for NPDES and Federal surface mining permits for new or existing mining operations in the following counties: Franklin, Gallatin, Hamilton, Hardin, Jefferson, Jackson, Perry, Pope, Saline, and Williamson.
This contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder considering conformity with the terms and conditions established by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Mines and Minerals, Division of Abandoned Mined Lands Reclamation in the rules, Invitation for Bids, and contract documents.
The Mines and Minerals Act 1996 establishes the regulatory system for all mining applications and licensing and provides the system to regulate and manage mining activities including the management and permitting process required for all alluvial mining (rock, gravel and sand extraction).
Signature of tenderer with name& address.SECTION IIISCOPE OF WORK & SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1.0 SCOPE OF WORK Jhamarkotra Rock Phosphate Mine located near village Jhamarkotra, Tehsil Girwa in Udaipur District, Rajasthan is being worked by M/s Rajasthan State Mines and Minerals Limited (A Government of Rajasthan Enterprise).
For new sources, the contractor will be required to apply for a Building Material Permit (BMP) from Department of Mines and Minerals (DMM), see also section 2.1.3. The use of existing permitted quarries is preferred to the use of new locations.
The Land Reclamation Division (LRD) of the Illi-nois Department of Mines and Minerals will be responsible for administering this Agree- ment on behalf of the Governor.
A typical example of this kind is the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, 1948.
In the application of the Standard Specifications to this Contract, references to the Department of Transportation shall be interpreted to mean the Department of Natural Resources; Office of Mines and Minerals; Division of Abandoned Mined Lands Reclamation (Department); except that references to the Department of Transportation within Section 102 - Advertisement, Bidding, Award, and Contract Execution - shall continue to mean the Department of Transportation.