import duty definition

import duty means customs duty payable on the import of goods;
import duty means customs duty on the importation of goods.
import duty means any duty imposed by the 1999 Law on goods imported into, exported from or grown, produced or manufactured in Jersey, and includes both customs and excise duty;

More Definitions of import duty

import duty means a duty imposed in the Customs Tariff on imported goods, and includes
import duty means any duty or charge of any kind imposed on, or in connection with, the importation of a good, except where any such duty or charge is: (i) in conformity with Article III of GATT 1994; (ii) an anti-dumping or countervailing duty applied in conformity with GATT 1994, the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994, set out in Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement, and the SCM Agreement; or (iii) in conformity with Article VIII of GATT 1994; and
import duty means any of the following duties imposed on imported goods in the Customs Tariff:
import duty means the tax imposed by section 63;
import duty means a duty of customs chargeable under any law on goods on importation;
import duty means customs duty payable on the import of goods ‘Export duty’ means customs duty payable on the export of goods
import duty means any duty (including any fiscal entry or suspended fiscal entry) imposed by this Act or a Customs (Dumping and Subsidies: Rates) Act of Tanzania;