Improper Advantage definition

Improper Advantage means something to which the Group company concerned was clearly not entitled, for example, an operating permit for a factory that fails to meet the relevant legal requirements.
Improper Advantage means obtaining something to which the person or entity giving an Item of Value was not entitled or would not have received but for giving the Item of Value.
Improper Advantage means “Something to which the Fund, a person or entity is not clearly entitled, such as the provision of benefits, contract award, grant of operating permits, product registration approval, favourable court decision, or a tax dispute settlement”; and

Examples of Improper Advantage in a sentence

  • No Improper Advantage - Vendors shall not offer or accept bribes or other means of obtaining undue or improper advantage..

  • Company Personnel may not, on behalf of the Company, provide or receive any gifts (including cash or cash equivalents), meals, entertainment, travel or accommodation directly or indirectly, to or from a Government Official a Customer Representative or a supplier including a service provider to the Company, or their respective family members if the transaction might improperly induce (or appear to induce) the recipient to use his or her influence to secure an Improper Advantage for the giver.

  • No Improper Advantage Bribes or other means of obtaining undue or improper advantage are not to be promised, offered, authorized, given, or accepted.

  • No Improper Advantage Bribes or other means of obtaining undue or improper advantage are not to be promised, offered, authorized, given or accepted.

  • Participants shall have a zero-tolerance policy to prohibit any and all forms of bribery, corruption, extortion and embezzlement.② No Improper Advantage Bribes or other means of obtaining undue or improper advantage are not to be promised, offered, authorized, given or accepted.

  • Viveo Employees are strictly prohibited from directly or indirectly, promising, offering or giving an Improper Advantage, regardless of value, to a Public Agent or to third parties related to it, and it is forbidden to ask, request, agree to receive or accept bribes, kickbacks, payments of illegal influences or any kind of favor or special treatment.

  • This Policy prohibits: • the offer, promise, authorization, or payment of money or Anything of Value, either directly, or indirectly through a Third-Party Intermediary, to a Government Official or private individual or entity, in order to secure an Improper Advantage.

  • Further details regarding Feintool’s relationship with suppliers are outlined in separate documents (Feintool Purchasing Conditions, Feintool Supplier Code of Conduct as of 2022).D.2 Anti-Corruption (Improper Advantage, Acceptance of Gifts) Feintool follows a zero-tolerance policy on corruption.

  • EcoRodovias prohibits Donations or Sponsorships aimed at exchanging favors or which imply Improper Advantage with any public or private natural or legal person.

  • Accordingly, no Employee may offer, give, promise, or receive money, or Anything of Value, to or from an individual or entity in the private sector, in order to obtain an Improper Advantage.

More Definitions of Improper Advantage

Improper Advantage as used in this ABAC Policy, means advantages in violation of a duty and the expectation that a person will behave in a lawful, business- appropriate manner, impartially and in good faith.
Improper Advantage means obtaining a benefit to which the individual or entity making a "Prohibited Payment" or a payment in violation of Commercial Bribery laws was not entitled.
Improper Advantage means any business advantage to the Petron Group, which can include:
Improper Advantage means a benefit or an advantage (a) to which a company, including Sucampo, is or was not clearly entitled; and/or (b) which is not readily available to other competitors; and/or (c) which if secured, retained or obtained, constitutes a violation of the Applicable Laws and Regulations and/or the Code of Conduct of Sucampo.
Improper Advantage means obtaining a benefit to which the individual ، تايرابملاو ،تﻼفحلاو ،تابطرملاو ماعطلا تابجو كلذ يف امب ،لمعلا يف تﻼماجملا ينعي هيفرتلا .ح.ةيضايرلا ثادحﻷاو ةيفاقثلا ثادحﻷاو ،حراسملل تاوعدلا نع ﻼضف ريغص "يموكح فظوم"ـل عفدت ةميقلا ةعضاوتم تافورصم يأ ينعت تاءارجﻹا ريسيت تافورصم .ط ينيتور يموكح لمع ةعرسو ءادأ نامض فدهب كلذو ،هلمعل هتسرامم ىلع ريثأتلا دصق نودب.ريدقتلل عضاخ ريغو حضاوو ةكرشلل قحتسم .ىلوﻷا ةجردلا نم براقﻷاو ةمع ،مع ،خأ ،نبإ ،جوز ،نيدلاولا دحأ ينعي ةرسﻷا وضع .ي ةيذيفنتلا ءاوس) ةرادﻹا وأ ةموكحلا يف فظوم وأ لوؤسم يأ (أ) ينعي ﻲموكحلا لوؤسملا .ك ةيموكح ةئيه كلذ يف امب ،ةموكحلا هذهل عبات زاهج وأ ةلاكووأ ،(ةيرادﻹاوأ ةيئاضقلاوأ ةيعيرشتلاوأوأ ةموكحلا نع ةباين وأ ةيمسرلا هتفصب فرصتي صخش يأ (ب) ؛ةماع ةيلود ةسسؤم وأ ،ةيميلقإ انيعم ناك ءاوس ،ايئاضق وأ ايرادإ وأ ايعيرشت ابصنم لغشي صخش يأ (ج) ؛زاهجلا ،ةلاكولا ،ةرادﻹا يأ (ه) ؛ةماع ةأشنم وأ ماع زاهج حلاصل كلذ يف امب ،ةماع ةفيظو سرامي صخش يأ (د) ؛ابختنم مأ بصنمل حشرم وأ يسايس بزحب لوؤسم (و) ؛صخشلا اذهل يراشتسا ريبخ وأ راشتسم وأ ليكو ةمظنم نع ةباين وأ ةيمسرلا هتفصب فرصتي صخش يأ وأ ،فظوم وأ لوؤسم يأ (ز) وأ ؛ماع.ةيلود ينعت ("ةفايضلا") ةين نسحب فرصت ﻲتلاو ةلوقعملا ةيبيردتلاو ةيئاعدلا تافورصملا وأ ةفايضلا .ل تابجولاو رفسلا لثم ،ةميق وذ ءيش يأب دهعتلا وأ ضرعلا وأ ةيدهلا وأ اهعفد مت يتلا ،ةميقلا طبترتو ،ةين نسحب فورظلا لك تحت مدقتو ةلوقعم ةميقب اهئادآ متي يتلاو ،نكسلا فيراصمو.دقع ءادأ وأ ذيفنت (3) وأ ،جتنم قيوست (2) ؛ةمدخ وأ جتنم ريسفتو ضرعو ةياعدلا (1) ـب ةرشابم ـلل ةحناملا ةهجلا وأ صخشلل ةزئاج نكت مل ةزيم ىلع لوصحلا ينعت ةقحتسم ريغ ةزيم .م.ةيراجتلا ةوشرلا نيناوق كهتنت يتلا تافورصملا وأ "ةروظحملا تافورصم" CODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT & ETHICSPage 6Rev. (4)P E T R O J E T or entity making a "Prohibited Payment" or a payment in violation of Commercial Bribery laws was not entitled.
Improper Advantage means obtaining something to which the person or entity giving an Item of Value

Related to Improper Advantage

  • Unfair Advantage means any conduct, direct or indirect, by a Proponent that may result in gaining an unfair advantage over other Proponents, including but not limited to (i) possessing, or having access to, information in the preparation of its Proposal that is confidential to the Purchaser and which is not available to other Proponents, (ii) communicating with any person with a view to influencing, or being conferred preferred treatment in, the RFP process, or (iii) engaging in conduct that compromises or could be seen to compromise the integrity of the RFP process and result in any unfairness.

  • Improper influence means any influence that induces or tends to induce a PHA/IHA employee or officer to give consideration or to act regarding a PHA/IHA contract on any basis other than the merits of the matter.

  • Advantage means any payment (whether made voluntarily or involuntarily, by offset of any deposit or other indebtedness or otherwise) received by any Lender in respect of the Obligations, if such payment results in that Lender having less than its pro rata share (based upon its Commitment Percentage) of the Obligations then outstanding.

  • Improper Payment means: (a) any payment, offer, gift or promise to pay or authorization of the payment or transfer of other things of value, including without limitation any portion of the compensation, fees or reimbursements received hereunder or the provision of any service, gift or entertainment, directly or indirectly to (i) a Government Official; (ii) any director, officer, employee or commercial partner of a Party or its Affiliates; or, (iii) any other person at the suggestion, request or direction or for the benefit of any of the above-described persons and entities, for purposes of obtaining or influencing official actions or decisions or securing any improper advantage in order to obtain, retain or direct business; (b) payments made and expenses incurred in connection with performance of obligations under this Agreement that are not made and recorded with sufficient accuracy, detail, and control to meet the standards in applicable Anti-Corruption Laws; or, (c) any other transaction in violation of applicable Anti- Corruption Laws.

  • Improper governmental action means any action by a district officer or employee:

  • Medicare Advantage plan means a plan of coverage for health benefits under Medicare Part C as defined in 42 U.S.C. 1395w-28(b)(1), and includes:

  • Bribe means an inducement or reward offered, promised or provided in order to gain any commercial, contractual, regulatory or personal advantage; “to Bribe” and “Bribery” are construed accordingly.

  • Improper Conduct means conduct which offers any obstruction to the deliberations of proper action of Council.

  • Bribery means the act of unduly offering, giving, receiving or soliciting anything of value to influence the process of procuring goods or services, selecting consultants, or executing contracts.

  • Discloser means that Party to this Agreement which has disclosed Confidential Information to the other Party.

  • Recovered material means waste materials and by-products recovered or diverted from solid waste, but the term does not include those materials and by-products generated from, and commonly reused within, an original manufacturing process.

  • Competitive when used in reference to any Loan or Borrowing, refers to whether such Loan, or the Loans constituting such Borrowing, are made pursuant to Section 2.04.

  • Identifiable includes that the expenditures are recorded in the IP’s accounting system and that the accounting system shows which transactions represent the expenditures reported for each line on the FACE form. The term “verifiable” includes that the expenditures may be confirmed by the records in Article IX.)

  • British Protected Person means a member of any class of persons declared to be British Protected Persons by Order in Council under the British Nationality Act 1981, or by virtue of the Solomon Islands Act 1978.

  • Accused Student means any student accused of violating this Student Code.

  • Anti-competitive practice means any collusion, bid rigging or anti- competitive arrangement, or any other practice coming under the purview of the Competition Act, 2002, between two or more bidders, with or without the knowledge of the Bank, that may impair the transparency, fairness and the progress of the procurement process or to establish bid prices at artificial, non- competitive levels;

  • Business Opportunity means any commercial, investment or other business opportunity relating to the Business.

  • Any Occupation means any occupation that you are or become reasonably fitted by training, education, experience, age, physical and mental capacity.

  • Competitors means any Person who is not an Affiliate of a Loan Party and who engages (or whose Affiliate engages), as its primary business, in the same or similar business as a material business of the Loan Parties.

  • Competitive contracting means the method described in sections 45 through 49 of P.L.1999, c.440 (C.18A:18A-4.1 through C.18A:18A-4.5) of contracting for specialized goods and services in which formal proposals are solicited from vendors; formal proposals are evaluated by the purchasing agent or counsel or School Business Administrator; and the Board awards a contract to a vendor or vendors from among the formal proposals received.

  • Extortion Extortion means to directly or indirectly demand or accept a bribe, facilitating payment or kickback or other payment by threat of force, intimidation or exercise of authority.

  • Criminal justice information system means a system including the equipment, facilities, procedures,

  • Influent means the water entering a filter or other device.

  • Intimidating, threatening, abusive, or harming conduct means, but is not limited to, conduct that does the following:

  • UNFCCC means the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change or the Kyoto Protocol thereto.

  • Administration of criminal justice means performance of any activity directly involving the