Examples of Operating Permits in a sentence
Missouri State Operating Permits (MSOPs) are issued by the Director of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (Department) under an approved program, operating in accordance with federal and state laws (Federal "Clean Water Act" and "Missouri Clean Water Law" Section 644 as amended).
The second type of permit shield is allowed by EPA’s White Paper 2 for Improved Implementation of the Part 70 Operating Permits Program.
The DNR plans to issue Title V Operating Permits for the following facilities.
Rule 2520 Federally Mandated Operating Permits Since this facility's potential to emit does not exceed any Major Source thresholds of Rule 2201, this facility is not a Major Source, and Rule 2520 does not apply.
The permit- ting authority shall complete any unified review within one hundred eighty-four (184) days, as provided under the procedures of this rule and 10 CSR 10-6.065 Operating Permits Required.