Industrial building means a building used for or in connection with,
industrial premises means any place or premises (not being a private dwelling house), including the precincts thereof, in which or in any part of which any industry, trade, business, occupation or manufacturing is being ordinarily carried on with or without the aid of power and includes a godown attached thereto;
Industrial Property – means property used for construction, repair, trade or manufacturing, production, assembly or processing of finished or partially finished products from raw materials or fabricated parts on such a large scale that capital and labour are significantly involved, and includes any office or other accommodation on the same property, the use of which is incidental to such activity;
existing industrial building means a building used for or in connection with,
Industrial hemp means a plant of the genus Cannabis and any part of the plant, whether growing or not, containing a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration of no more than three-tenths of one percent (0.3%) on a dry weight basis.
industrial effluent means any liquid, whether or not containing matter in solution or suspension, which is emitted in the course of or as a result of any trade or industrial operation, including a mining operation, and includes any liquid besides soil water or waste water or stormwater;
Industrial use means the use of natural gas, electricity, heat, coal, fuel oil, or
Industrial furnace means any of the following enclosed devices that are integral components of manufacturing processes and that use thermal treatment to accomplish recovery of materials or energy:
Industrial Property Rights means all of the Company's patents, trademarks, trade names, inventions, copyrights, know-how or trade secrets, formulas and science, now in existence or hereafter developed or acquired by the Company or for its use, relating to any and all products and services which are developed, formulated and/or manufactured by the Company.
Industrial park means an area in a blighted or conservation area suitable for use by any manufacturing, industrial, research or transportation enterprise, of facilities to include but not be limited to factories, mills, processing plants, assembly plants, packing plants, fabricating plants, industrial distribution centers, warehouses, repair overhaul or service facilities, freight terminals, research facilities, test facilities or railroad facilities.
Commercial building means a non-residential building other than an agricultural building, an industrial building or an institutional building.
Industrial wastewater means the water or liquid carried waste from an industrial process. These wastes may result from any process or activity of industry, manufacture, trade or business, from the development of any natural resource, or from animal operations such as feedlots, poultry houses, or dairies. The term includes contaminated storm water and leachate from solid waste facilities.
Industrial User means a nondomestic discharger, as identified in 40 CFR Part 403, introducing pollutants to a POTW.
farm building means that part of a bona fide farming operation encompassing barns, silos and other ancillary development to an agricultural use, but excluding a residential use;
residential land means land used or capable of being used for residential purposes (but does not include land on which there is no residential dwelling).
School building means any building in which any of the instruction, extracurricular activities, or training provided by a school is conducted, whether or not any instruction, extracurricular activities, or training provided by the school is being conducted in the school building at the time a criminal offense is committed.
Lands means the purchase of real property or interest in real property.
Agricultural lands means land currently used for the purpose of producing an agricultural commodity for commercial purposes, land left fallow under a crop rotational program, or land enrolled in an agricultural subsidy or set-aside program.
Industrial means lands, buildings or structures used or designed or intended for use for manufacturing, processing, fabricating or assembly of raw goods, warehousing or bulk storage of goods, and includes office uses and the sale of commodities to the general public where such uses are accessory to an industrial use, but does not include the sale of commodities to the general public through a warehouse club;
Tribal lands means all lands within the exterior boundaries of any Indian reservation and all dependent Indian communities.
Land means the land described in Exhibit A.
Buildings means , and BHK Apartments having One Block of Apartments a total of apartments of different types in G+ storied Block including such other constructions and/or structures, as may be constructed on the Premises by the Builder from time to time.
Mixed-use property means an eligible property that includes three or more residential units and may also contain a commercial property component in the same building.
mining areas means the areas delineated and coloured red on the Plan marked “A” initialled by or on behalf of the parties hereto for the purposes of identification;
communal land means land under the jurisdiction of a traditional council determined in terms of section 6 of the Eastern Cape Traditional Leadership and Governance Act, (Act 4 of 2005) and which was at any time vested in -
Shopping Centre means a grouping of commercial retail outlets which have been designed, developed and managed as a unit by a single owner or group of owners or tenants located on the same lot or lots with a frontage not less than 45 metres and having common on-site parking;