Examples of Industrial water supply in a sentence
Requirements of this Order implement the Ocean Plan.The Ocean Plan identifies the following beneficial uses of ocean waters of the state to be protected: Industrial water supply; water contact and non-contact recreation, including aesthetic enjoyment; navigation; commercial and sport fishing; mariculture; preservation and enhancement of designated Areas of Special Biological Significance; rare and endangered species; marine habitat; fish spawning and shellfish harvesting.
Industrial water supply, wildlife habitat, and aesthetics are designated beneficial uses for all water bodies in the state.
The dwelling’s water supply tank must be separate from the Commercial or Industrial water supply tank in accordance with Town of Hay River servicing standards.
Industrial water supply, wildlife habitats, and aesthetics are designated beneficial uses for all water bodies in the state.
Industrial water supply of 2200 GPM can be obtained from one of three sources: surface water from the Gordo Formation or Coker Formation is of good chemical quality to depths of 2,000 feet with the exceptions of certain locations containing objectionable amounts of iron.
Industrial water supply Public water supply at the point of intake Navigation Warm water fishery (some water bodies are also protected as a coldwater fishery) Other indigenous aquatic life and wildlife Partial body contact recreation Total body contact recreation between May 1 and October 1 If a body of water does not meet the water quality standards established for a specific designated use, then it is considered in non-attainment1.
Ocean Plan Beneficial Uses Discharge PointReceiving WaterBeneficial Uses Industrial water supply; water contact and non-contact recreation, Offshoreincluding aesthetic enjoyment; navigation; commercial and sport001 andZone offishing; mariculture; preservation and enhancement of designated002PacificAreas of Special Biological Significance (ASBS); rare and Oceanendangered species; marine habitat; fish migration, fish spawning and shellfish harvesting.
Industrial water supply projects include Urad Front Banner (Xianfeng Town) Industrial Park (烏拉特前旗加工園區(先鋒鎮)) water supply project, Bayannur Urad Front Banner Shengyuan Water Supply Co., Ltd.* (巴彥淖爾市烏拉特前旗盛源供水有限公司), Urad Rear Banner Industrial Park (烏拉特後旗加工園區) recycled water supply project, Bayannur Urad Rear Banner Qingyuan Water Supply Co., Ltd.* (巴彥淖爾市烏拉特後旗清源供水有限公司), Bayannur Haiyuan Water Supply Co., Ltd.* (巴彥淖爾市海源供水有限責任公司) and Bayannur Rear Banner Qingshan (巴彥淖爾市後旗青山) water supply project.
The Idaho legislature designates beneficial uses for water bodies that are identified in the Idaho water quality standards, IDAPA 58.01.02, including the following: • Aquatic life support–cold water, seasonal cold water, warm water, salmonid spawning, modified• Contact recreation–primary, secondary• Water supply–domestic, agricultural, industrial• Wildlife habitats• Aesthetics Industrial water supply, wildlife habitats, and aesthetics are designated beneficial uses for all water bodies in the state.
This area has a population of about 35 million and a gross economic product in the order of US$ 5 billion.• Lake Victoria and satellite are very rich in fisheries, About 3% of Uganda’s GDP is from LV fisheries; The Lake boasts of large HEP potential with LV being the World’s largest reservoir for HEP production; Domestic and Industrial water supply and repository for their wastes; The Lake Victoria water resources important for irrigation and rain fed agriculture.