Examples of Industry Consultant in a sentence
The current membership consists of individuals with extensive nuclear experience from both the power industry and the academic community as follows: • Retired NRC Administrative Judge • Nuclear Utility Industry Consultant • Major University Professor of Nuclear Engineering The current compensation paid to the DCISC members as originally established by the CPUC in Resolution E-3152 and subsequently revised in Resolution E-3608 and modified in Advice Letter 3677-E-A remains appropriate.
Measurable and Rigorous Targets: Source: Secondary Transition Checklist Improvement Activities/Timelines/Resources: Please see Michigan’s comprehensive SPP for details of the sampling process and all historical information which dates back to 2005 at http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,1607,7-140- 6530_6598_31834---,00.html.
It directed the Utilities to hire an Industry Consultant who will observe the entire pilot process and assist in developing a technology neutral pro-forma contract for future use in the Competitive Solicitation Framework.
According to the Industry Consultant, it has been a common industry practice for the optical fibre cable manufacturers, which also have capability in the production of optical fibre preforms and/or optical fibres, to form cooperative ventures, such as Nanfang Optic, with other optical fibre cable manufacturers as a way to win more bids than the supply limit allotted to a given supplier set forth in the Procurement Limit, which has been implemented by the Major PRC Telecommunications Network Operators.
According to the Industry Consultant, the Major PRC Telecommunications Network Operators have implemented the centralised procurement policies since 2004 and the centralised procurement policies through open tendering processes adopted by the Major PRC Telecommunications Network Operators limit the portion of the total procurement amount that is allotted to any single supplier selected.