Examples of Industry member in a sentence
Industry member requirements, by agreement or otherwise, with non-re- tailers which result in a retailer being required to purchase the industry member’s products are within the ex- clusive outlet provisions.
The practice specified in this section is deemed to place trade buyer inde- pendence at risk within the description of exclusion in § 10.51: Industry member payments of money to the employee(s) of a trade buyer without the knowledge or consent of the trade buyer-employer in return for the employee agreeing to order distilled spirits, wine, or malt beverages from the industry member.
Austria Sources of information• Workers: ÖGB (Austrian Trade Union Federation), members of ETUC• Employers: IV (Federation of Austrian Industry), member of UNICE; WKÖ (Austrian Federal Economic Chamber) member of UEAPMEand AK (Chamber of Labour) Actions taken at national level At national level the organisations IV, WKÖ, AK and ÖGB organised several meetings to disseminate the framework of actions and explain its rationale, and discussed it in expert groups on education and training.
Every employee keeps a personal record / checklist of the further training courses attended.Greece Sources of information• Trade Unions: GSEE (Geniki Synomospondia Ergaton Ellados), member of ETUC• Employers: FGI (Federation of Greek Industry), member of UNICE Actions taken at national level The Greek social partners have discussed the framework of actions with their member organisations in seminars, conferences and internal committees at national and sectoral level.
SAU consists of employer and employee representatives from the Danish Employers’ Association of the Meat Industry member enterprises, and organisational representa- tives from DI, NNF and The Danish Association of Managers and Executives.