Examples of Industry Sales in a sentence
In the US, approximately one billion pounds of pesticide active ingredient are used annually, and over 20,000 pesticide products are being marketed (EPA Pesticides Industry Sales and Usage, 2006-2007).
Carman 1Abstract 1Authors' Bios 1Nursery and Floral Production 3Nursery and Floral Industry Sales 3Figure 1.
Xi,j,t−1 is a vector of lagged firm- and industry-level controls: Ln(Assets), Tobin’s Q, Cash/Assets, Debt/Assets, EBITDA/Assets, Cash Flow/Assets, Sales Growth, Excess Return, Excess Volatility, Industry Sales Growth, and Industry Concentration.
The List of expertise are as below: Knowledge of the Bearing Industry Sales and Marketing Functions Business Strategy Function Planning and SourcingRisk ManagementFinance, Accounting and Costing Legal and Regulatory compliance Corporate GovernanceHuman Resource ManagementRisk Mitigation Planning and Management As on 31st March 2022, all the Directors of the Company are having the aforesaid requisite core skills, expertise, andcompetences.
Paisley-Jones (2017) Pesticides Industry Sales and Usage, 2008 – 2012, Market Estimates.
Pesticide Industry Sales and Usage: 2006 and 2007 Market Estimates.
Table 6: Breakdown of Retail Market Sales in KoreaSegmentSource: Retail Industry Sales Statistics, Korea National Statistics Information Service/1 On-line shopping in this report refers to Internet shopping, TV home-shopping, catalog shopping, and other types of retailing over communication tools that replace physical stores./2 „Others‟ includes specialty retailers such as automobiles and furniture as well as traditional retailers such as family- operated small grocers and paddlers in the street markets.
I had completed the Railroad Industry Sales Plan and the Railroad Sales Seminar both of which was based on our work at the Western Pacific and the freight car integration system we had developed for freight car interchange between the Western Pacific, the Denver & Rio Grande and the Great Northern Railroads.
Figure 1: Total Retail Sector Sales in Korea Source: Retail Industry Sales Statistics, Korea National Statistics Information Service Hypermarkets, armed with aggressive pricing, one-stop shopping convenience, and efficient product assortment, have stepped up to the largest retail force in Korea since 2002, replacing the former leader, department stores.
Eric Pfanner, Music Industry Sales Rise, and Digital Revenue Gets the Credit, N.Y. TIMES, Feb.