Examples of Initial Assessment Resolution in a sentence
Stormwater Non-Ad Valorem Assessment: Initial Assessment Resolution and Authorization to Advertise a Public HearingFiscal Consideration: Recommended Action:The Stormwater Assessments rates remain the same as Fiscal Year 2020-21.
Recommended Action: Adopting Initial Assessment Resolution and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same, subject to review and approval by the City Attorney's Office.
Initial Assessment Resolution Imposing and Levying Special Assessments on Specially Benefited Properties to Support the Provision of Charity Healthcare ALLThis resolution provides for the adoption of a non-ad valorem assessment within the City of Orlando limits to support the past and current provision of charity health care in the City.
Sugarfoot Oaks/Cedar Ridge Special Assessment District: Initial Assessment Resolution and Authorization to Advertise a Public HearingFiscal Consideration:Approving this request will allow the County to collect approximately$49,620 in non-ad valorem assessment fees (not adjusted for non-collectibles) to fund community maintenance in the Sugarfoot Oaks/Cedar Ridge Preservation and Enhancement District.
The Board of County Commissioners is requested to adopt the Initial Assessment Resolution for FY09 and approve notification to affected property owners advising of the solid waste assessment rate and public hearing.
Assessments imposed hereunder shall be collected pursuant to the provisions of the Initial Assessment Resolution and Uniform Assessment Collection Act.
Public Hearing11.21-0468Solid Waste Non Ad Valorem Assessment: Initial Assessment Resolution and Authorization to Advertise a Public HearingFiscal Consideration:The Solid Waste Assessment rates remain the same as Fiscal Year FY 2020-21.
The Resolution of Intent may be adopted either prior to or following the Initial Assessment Resolution; provided however, that the Resolution of Intent must be adopted prior to January 1 (March 1 with consent of the Property Appraiser and Tax Collector) of the year in which the Assessments are first collected on the ad valorem tax bill.
Tab 10 Approval and authorization of the Initial Assessment Resolution for Collection, Management, and Disposal of Solid Waste and Recovered Materials for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 and each fiscal year thereafter until discontinued or changed.
This resolution is adopted pursuant to the Ordinance; Resolution No. R-2005-255 (the "Initial Assessment Resolution"); Resolution No. R-2020-193 (the "Preliminary Rate Resolution"); the Charter of the Town of Davie; Article VIII, Section 2, Florida Constitution; sections 166.021 and 166.041, Florida Statutes; and other applicable provisions of law.