Initial Subscription Shares definition
Examples of Initial Subscription Shares in a sentence
Subject to the terms and conditions of the Subscription Agreement, the Subscriber (or through its nominee(s)) shall subscribe for, and the Company shall allot and issue the Initial Subscription Shares to the Subscriber (or its nominee(s)) at the subscription price of HK$0.45 per subscription share (the “Subscription Price”).
The premium on each Redeemable Preference Share forming part of the Initial Subscription Shares issued in accordance with this Clause 2.1 shall be €8.68 (being the EPRA net asset value per Target Share shown in the Target’s audited financial statements as at 31 December 2020).
If only General Nice Initial Subscription Completion occurs and General Nice Further Subscription Completion does not occur, Petropavlovsk’s shareholding will be diluted to 51.16% (assuming that there is no change in the issued share capital of the Company other than the issue of the General Nice Initial Subscription Shares between the date of the Investors’ Subscription Agreements up to General Nice Initial Subscription Completion).
No later than two (2) Business Days prior to the Relevant Closing Date, the Investor shall provide to the Company the name and corporate information of the Chilean custodian to whose account the Company will make the correspondent credit of the Initial Subscription Shares or the Subsequent Subscription Shares in the name of such custodian, as the case may be, at the Relevant Closing.
The Initial Subscription Shares of 93.75M new fully paid ordinary shares for $7.5M were allotted on 22 December 2014.
The Company expects to raise approximately £2 million through the issue of the Subscription Shares at the Subscription Price, of which £1 million has already been received for the Initial Subscription Shares.
He can see the ‘invisible hand’, simply because this hand belongs not to the mar- ket, but to him and his fellow billionaires.
References are made to the announcements (the “ Announcements”) of Value Convergence Holdings Limited (the “Company”) dated 1 July 2019, 22 July 2019, 16August 2019, 10 September 2019 and 26 September 2019 respectively in respect of the Subscription Agreement in relation to (i) subscription for Initial Subscription Shares; and (ii) connected transaction – grant of Option to subscribe for Further Subscription Shares and Convertible Bonds.
This authority is being sought to replace the existing authority granted at the annual general meeting of the Company held on 22 April 2008, which will be used to issue the Initial Subscription Shares to TPG.• Resolution 5 is an ordinary resolution to authorise the issue of Shares to Shareholders instead of paying a cash interim dividend for the year ending 31 December 2008.
Pursuant to the Subscription Letters, each Subscriber has agreed to subscribe for the number of Initial Subscription Shares set out in the relevant Subscription Letter at the Initial Placing Price.