Institutional Review Board or “IRB” means, in accordance with 45 C.F.R. Part 46, 21 C.F.R. part 56, and other applicable regulations, an independent body comprising medical, scientific, and nonscientific members, whose responsibility is to ensure the protection of the rights, safety, and well-being of the Human Subjects involved in a study.
Review Committee or “Committee” means a committee established pursuant to rule Chapter 67-60, F.A.C.
independent review committee means the independent review committee of the investment fund established under National Instrument 81-107 Independent Review Committee for Investment Funds;
Architectural Review Committee or “ARC” shall mean the architectural review committee established by the Organization to review plans submitted to the Organization for architectural review.
Peer review committee means one or more persons acting in a peer review capacity who also serve as an officer, director, trustee, agent, or member of any of the following:
District Evaluation Advisory Committee means a group created to oversee and guide the planning and implementation of the Board of Education's evaluation policies and procedures as set forth in N.J.A.C. 6A:10-2.3.
Grievance Committee means the Grievance Committee of the Bar.
Review Board has the meaning provided in Section 2.1(f)(i) of this Commercial Shared-Loss Agreement.
Appeal Committee means the appeal committee established by the Council in terms of section 12(3)(a);
Procurement Committee means a Committee constituted by the Employer to perform the functions as such under the terms and conditions of Contract.
Supervisory Committee means an oversight committee elected at a general meeting;
Technical Committee means the body established in accordance with article VII;
Advisory Committee means the Employer's Advisory Committee as from time to time constituted.
Board of Review or “board” means the state building code board of review created by this chapter.
Evaluation Committee means a body appointed to perform the evaluation of Offerors’ proposals.
Investigation Committee means the Investigation Committee appointed by the Board under Regulation 5 of these Regulations;
Retirement Committee means a committee consisting of the Company’s Vice President of Human Resources, the Director of HR Operations and the Compensation & Benefits Manager.
Ethics Committee means an independent body established in a Member State in accordance with the law of that Member State and empowered to give opinions for the purposes of this Regulation, taking into account the views of laypersons, in particular patients or patients' organisations;
Disciplinary Committee means any person or committee of persons, or any subcommittee thereof, that is author- ized by a self-regulatory organization to issue disciplinary charges, to con- duct disciplinary proceedings, to settle disciplinary charges, to impose dis- ciplinary sanctions or to hear appeals thereof.
Evaluation Team means the team appointed by the City; “Information Meeting” has the meaning set out in section 2.2;
OPSI Advisory Committee means the committee established under Tariff, Attachment M, section III.G.
Selection Committee means a committee of individual(s) who evaluate and rank proposals; conduct negotiations; and makes a contract award recommendation to the District and its respective Committees.
Development Committee has the meaning set forth in Article 3 of the Amended and Restated Research and Development Agreement.
Nomination Committee means the nomination committee of the Board established in accordance with Article 114;
Technical Advisory Committee means a committee established under section 12;
Investigating Committee means any Officer/Committee appointed by Competent Authority to conduct investigation.