Instream use definition

Instream use means beneficial uses of stream water for significant purposes which are located in the stream and which are achieved by leaving the water in the stream. Instream uses include, but are not limited to:
Instream use means beneficial uses of stream water for significant purposes which are located in the stream and which are achieved by leaving the water in the stream.
Instream use means water that remains in or is released into the natural stream channel or lake bed or where water naturally flows or occurs that provides a benefit including but not limited to recreation, conservation, maintenance and enhancement of aquatic and fish life, wildlife, fish and wildlife habitat, other ecological values, pollution abatement or navigation.

Examples of Instream use in a sentence

  • Major dams haveWater use flexibility Severe Instream use factors Substantialbeen built over the years to facilitate municipal and agricultural use, including the Glen Canyon,Hoover, Parker, Davis, and Imperial dams.

  • Instream use does not require a water right, and instream use under a water right without an instream flow dedication (Water Code §1707) is considered non-use of a water right.

  • Causeway openings should have sufficient clearance to handle peak flows without interfer- ence to fish movement.e. Causeways should be built in areas with a solid, stable bottom to prevent shifting of bottom substrate and subsequent lifting of the watercourse bottom in areas adjacent to the causeway.f. Instream use of heavy equipment should be minimized.

More Definitions of Instream use

Instream use means: the use of water in lakes, rivers, and their tributaries. Klamath Reclamation Project means: all land in the Upper Klamath River Basin which is any one or more of the following: (i) within the boundary or service area of any public district or other water distribution entity which, or land of any individual or other entity who, has contracted with the United States, pursuant to the Federal Reclamation laws for water service or for the repayment of the costs of construction, operation and maintenance of irrigation, drainage or other reclamation works benefiting such district or other entity, and/or operation and maintenance of such works, and all land of individuals or companies or other entities who are parties to contracts with the United States of such nature; (ii) within the Service Area of the Klamath Reclamation Project as identified on the map incorporated by reference under Article II.B and D of the Klamath River Basin Compact; or (iii) within the boundaries of Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge or Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge. Klamath Water and Power Agency (KWAPA) means: an intergovernmental and joint powers entity currently made up of water agencies within the Klamath Reclamation Project, as established under an intergovernmental agreement on June 12, 2008 pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 190 and Chapter 5 (commencing with section 6500) of Division 7 of Title 1 of the California Government Code.
Instream use means a use of waters by a person, other than for a domestic purpose or as described in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of the definition “use”, to earn income or for subsistence purposes. "licence"
Instream use means any use of surface water body that does not require
Instream use means any use of surface water body that does not require diversion or withdrawal from the watercourse or water body, including in-place uses such as habitat maintenance and enhancement, navigation and recreation [mitigation?]
Instream use means beneficial uses of stream water for significant purposes which are
Instream use means beneficial uses of stream water for significant purposes which are located in the stream and which are achieved by leaving the water in the stream. Instream uses include, but are not limited to: 1) Maintenance of fish and wildlife habitats; 2) Outdoor recreational activities; 3) Maintenance of ecosystems such as estuaries, wetlands, and stream vegetation; 4) Aesthetic values such as waterfalls and scenic waterways; 5) Navigation; 6) Instream hydropower generation; 7) Maintenance of water quality; 8) The conveyance of irrigation and domestic water supplies to downstream points of diversion; and 9) The protection of traditional and customary Hawaiian rights. CWRM Staff Submittal p. 2 (RA Vol. 2 @ 120)
Instream use. ’ means a use of waters by a person, other than for a domestic purpose or as described in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of the definition ‘‘use’’, to earn income or for subsistence purposes.