Examples of Instruction to Tenderers in a sentence
The preliminary examination in the Financial Evaluation shall be in accordance with clause 26 of Instruction to Tenderers.
Clause 26.2 of Instruction to Tenderers: “For the purposes of this clause, a substantially responsive tender is one which conforms to all terms and condition and specifications of the tender document without material deviation or reservation and has a valid Bank/Insurance guarantee”.
The bid security must be in form of a certified cheque, bank draft, an irrevocable letter of credit or a guarantee from a reputable Bank/ Insurance approved by PPOA located in the Republic of Kenya Clause 16.2 of Instruction to Tenderers, “the unconditional Tender surety shall be in Kenya shillings and be in form of a certified cheque, bank draft, an irrevocable letter of credit or a guarantee from a reputable Bank/ Insurance approved by PPOA located in the Republic of Kenya.
Certification must be by a commissioner for oaths.Note:The bid security shall be in accordance with clauses 16.1 and 16.2 of Instruction to Tenderers which states as follows: Clause 16.1 The bidder shall furnish, as part of his bid, a bid security in the amount shown in the Appendix to instruction to tenderers.
TECHNICAL EVALUATION The tender document shall be examined based on clause 4 of the Instruction to Tenderers which states as follows: In accordance with clause 4.4 of Instruction to Tenderers, ‘the tenderers shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility satisfactory to the Employer as the Employer shall reasonably request’.
Sections, which are not applicable have been marked as Not Applicable1.3. These tender documents have been issued for the requirements mentioned in Section- VI - "List of Requirements", which also indicates, inter-alia, the required delivery schedule and terms & place (i.e. destination) of delivery.1.4. This section (Section II - General Instruction to Tenderers" - GIT) provides the relevant information as well as instructions to assist the prospective tenderers in preparation and submission of tenders.
The tender document shall be examined based on clause 2.2 of the Instruction to Tenderers which states as follows: ‘In accordance with clause 2.2 of Instruction to Tenderers, the tenderers will be required to provide evidence for eligibility of the award of the tender by satisfying the employer of their eligibility under sub clause 2.1 of Instruction to Tenderers and adequacy of resources to effectively carry out the subject contract.
SECTION III: TENDER DATA SHEETTender Data Sheet (TDS) Instructions to Tenderers Clause ReferenceTDSReference NumberITTClause NumberAmendments of, and Supplements to, Clauses in the Instruction to Tenderers A.
Incomplete tenders submitted with qualified conditions(s) at variance with Instruction to Tenderers/ General Terms & Conditions are liable to be rejected summarily.
Sections, which are not applicable have been marked as Not Applicable1.3. These tender documents have been issued for the requirements mentioned in Section• VI - "List of Requirements", which also indicates, inter-alia, the required delivery schedule and terms & place (i.e. destination) of delivery.1.4. This section (Section II - General Instruction to Tenderers" - GIT) provides the relevant information as well as instructions to assist the prospective tenderers in preparation and submission of tenders.