Assessment Procedures. At or before the end of the term preceding initial eligibility for a formal assessment, the appropriate Vice-President for the administration of Article 22 (Official Files) shall provide to a Contract Academic Instructor notice of eligibility for assessment together with an inventory of his/her official file pursuant to Article 22.02 via their university email and copied to the relevant Faculty or Department. A Contract Academic Instructor who has been notified of his/her eligibility for assessment shall, within the first two (2) weeks of the subsequent term either: (1) request assessment in writing to the Chair or Xxxx and provide a self-assessment letter at the same time as the request; or (2) advise the Chair or Xxxx that s/he wishes to defer assessment by one (1) year in accordance with Article 19A.01(d). A Contract Academic Instructor who declines assessment or does not respond to the notification will be notified one additional time. The notification letters will inform the Contract Academic Instructor of his/her rights within the collective agreement, including the terms for continued eligibility for assessment, the rights that may be obtained by another Contract Academic Instructor for a particular course and, in the case of the second letter, clearly identify the final notice provision. The Contract Academic Instructor Assessment Committee shall objectively assess the teaching performance on the basis of the materials submitted under Article 19A.02 and provide a brief written performance evaluation for inclusion in the official file of the Contract Academic Instructor with a copy to the Contract Academic Instructor by November 1 for a fall assessment or by March 15 for a winter assessment. The performance evaluation shall specify whether the teaching performance in the course reviewed has been satisfactory or unsatisfactory. In the case of an unsatisfactory evaluation the committee shall give its reasons. A Contract Academic Instructor may submit a written response to the evaluation to the Chair or Xxxx within 10 days for inclusion in the official file. The Contract Academic Instructor Assessment Committee shall consider the response, if any, and advise the Contract Academic Instructor of its final assessment by November 30 for a fall assessment and by April 15 for a winter assessment. Both Parties recognize that the dates set out above may on occasion be delayed or extended.
Assessment Procedures. The principal shall assess each employee annually as specified above. Such assessment shall be based upon criteria as presented in the “Xxxxxx County Instructional Performance Appraisal System
1. Each assessment must state the date, beginning time, and ending time of the formal observation.
2. Each formal observation must be at least thirty (30) consecutive minutes in length
3. Electronic devices maybe utilized only with written consent of both parties, (i.e.: video or audio).
4. A conference shall be held between the employee and the school administrator within fifteen (15) work days following the formal classroom observation. A copy signed by both parties shall be given to the employee. The employee's signature does not necessarily mean agreement with the assessment but rather awareness of the content.
5. If the employee feels the assessment is incomplete, inaccurate, or unjust, the employee may put specific objections in writing within ten (10) school days after the conference and have them attached to the assessment report to be placed in the personnel file. The file copy of such objections does not necessarily mean agreement with the objection, but, rather, awareness of the content.
6. A teacher who is not satisfied with an observation may request within 10 working days and will be granted one (1) additional observation conducted by a different administrator, if a different administrator is requested by the teacher.
Assessment Procedures. The committee shall develop written assessment procedures which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Article and which are subject to the approval of the Department Head and the Xxxx of the College. These procedures may be amended by the Professional Assessment Committee with the approval of the Department Head and the Xxxx. The procedures may include delegation of responsibility for conducting assessments to a subcommittee, and shall provide for addition of members from outside the department whenever the membership falls below three (3) or whenever the Professional Assessment Committee decides to do so.
Assessment Procedures. After reviewing the complete file of each candidate and seeking input from all Committee members, the Search Committee shall compile a recommended short list of candidates to be interviewed. The Chief Librarian and Xxxxxxx shall decide which candidates, if any, will be interviewed by the Search Committee.
Assessment Procedures. The assessment procedures used to evaluate candidates for a specific position may vary depending on the position requirements. The Hiring Manager, in consultation with the HR focal point, will decide on the assessment methodologies to be used to best determine the suitability of the candidate for the position, as well as the relative weight to be assigned to each assessment technique. In order to ensure transparency, Hiring Managers are required to account fully for all techniques used and relative weights assigned. To ensure a fair and equal assessment of all candidates, assessments for the same position must be conducted following the same assessment methods.
Assessment Procedures. 3.1 Evaluation will be based upon the Key Elements of the Standards. The assessment methods may include: formal classroom observations, drop-in visits, examples of student work, review of teacher developed lessons and work products, and information relating to teacher implementation of board adopted content standards and standards of student progress adopted by the board.
3.2 The nature of the permanent classroom teacher's assignment, the subject matter, grade level taught and the area in which the teacher has been credentialed will assist in determining the emphasis which will be placed on the Key Elements.
3.3 Classroom observations will be a key source of evidence for the teacher evaluation. Ordinarily, teachers on Formal Conference evaluation will be observed on three (3) occasions, or for two full block periods. If after two observations of a permanent classroom teacher, the evaluator determines that all three of the designated standards have been met, then a third required observation may be waived by mutual agreement of the unit member and the evaluator.
3.3.1 Non-tenured unit members will have at least the 1st formal observation and post-observation conference prior to the Winter Break.
3.4 The duration of at least one classroom observation shall be a full class period. Ordinarily, all other classroom observations pursuant to Section 3.3 shall be for a minimum of forty- five (45) minutes, however, in no circumstances will an observation be less than thirty
Assessment Procedures. 3.1 Evaluation will be based upon the Key Elements of the Standards. The assessment methods may include: formal classroom observations, drop-in visits, examples of student work, review of teacher developed lessons and work products, and information relating to teacher implementation of board adopted content standards and standards of student progress adopted by the board.
3.2 The nature of the permanent classroom teacher's assignment, the subject matter, grade level taught and the area in which the teacher has been credentialed will assist in determining the emphasis which will be placed on the Key Elements.
3.3 Classroom observations will be a key source of evidence for the teacher evaluation. Ordinarily, teachers on Formal Conference evaluation will be observed on three (3) occasions, or for two full block periods. If after two observations of a permanent classroom teacher, the evaluator determines that all three of the designated standards have been met, then a third required observation may be waived by mutual agreement of the unit member and the evaluator.
3.3.1 Non-tenured unit members will have at least the 1st formal observation and post-observation conference prior to the Winter Break.
3.4 The duration of at least one classroom observation shall be a full class period. Ordinarily, all other classroom observations pursuant to Section 3.3 shall be for a minimum of forty-five (45) minutes, however, in no circumstances will an observation be less than thirty (30) minutes.
3.5 In the event the evaluator observes conditions in the first or second observation that may lead to an "Unsatisfactory" evaluation, the duration of subsequent observation(s) shall be for an entire class period. In the event the evaluator cannot observe for at least 90% of the period, the observation shall be considered a "drop in visit" and an additional observation will be scheduled.
3.6 Classroom observations will be scheduled with the unit member at least three days in advance. Observations may be scheduled with less than three (3) days notice by mutual consent. The classroom teacher may request a Pre Observation Conference at the time of notification. The evaluatee will provide the evaluator a completed Observation Planning Form at least one (1) day prior to each formal observation. Observation Planning Forms may be provided with less than one day of notice by mutual consent. The evaluator reserves the right to conduct unscheduled "drop in” visits for those observations that e...
Assessment Procedures. At or before the end of the term preceding initial eligibility for a formal assessment, the appropriate Vice-President for the administration of Article 22 (Official Files) shall provide to a CAI notice of eligibility for assessment together with an inventory of his/her official file pursuant to Article 22.02 via their university email and copied to the relevant Faculty or Department. A CAI who has been notified of his/her eligibility for assessment shall, within the first two
Assessment Procedures. The assessment procedures for the O-TTPS Certification program, as modified by The Open Group from time to time and set forth at xxxx:// or such additional or replacement locations as provided by The Open Group A vendor, provider, supplier, or integrator that is interested in applying for certification, has applied for certification, or that has achieved certification in the O-TTPS Certification Program.
Assessment Procedures. At or before the end of the term preceding initial eligibility for a formal assessment, the appropriate Vice-President for the administration of Article 22 (Official Files) shall provide to a Contract Academic Instructor notice of eligibility for assessment together with an inventory of his/her official file pursuant to Article 22.