Examples of Intensive Training Services in a sentence
Intensive Training Services can only be provided for DVR customers who have an employment goal that requires supported employment.
Request additional technical assistance to address complicated support needs that serve as a barrier to completing Assessment, Job Placement, or Intensive Training Services.
No, Job Retention Services and Intensive Training Services cannot both be provided for the same customer.
The VRC determines which level of service to use, with input from the Customer and the Contractor, based on the nature and extent of support(s) needed for the Customer to achieve Job Stabilization and the estimated duration of Intensive Training Services.
However, if the customer has an employment goal that requires supported employment and needs assistance in order to stabilize their job performance DVR may authorize and purchase CRP Intensive Training Services.
Remote Services Delivery is allowed under Intensive Training Services if the Customer and VRC agree that it will meet the Customer’s needs to have some services provided remotely: that the customer has the technology available to engage in remote delivery of services, has the appropriate level of ability to use the technology, and it is documented on the SDOP.
Intensive Training Services (ITS)DefinitionOne-on-one job skills training and support provided at the supported employment job site.
No. Youth Extended Services are provided after the customer has reached stability and no longer needs time limited Intensive Training Services, and if they meet the criteria in number 7, below.
No. Extended Services are provided after the Customer has reached stability and no longer needs time limited Intensive Training Services (ITS), and if they meet the criteria in number 6, below.
If needed, DVR may provide Job Retention or Intensive Training Services, which may or may not be contracted with the same CRP.