Intentional program violation definition

Intentional program violation means deliberately making a false or misleading statement; or misrepresenting, concealing, or withholding facts; or committing any act that is a violation of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, food assistance program regulations, or any state law relating to the use, presentation, transfer, acquisition, receipt, possession, or trafficking of an electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card. An intentional program violation is determined through a food assistance administrative disqualification hearing. The hearing may result in a period of ineligibility for the program, a claim for overpayment of benefits, or both.
Intentional program violation or "IPV" means an action or statement by an individual for:
Intentional program violation. (IPV) means any action by an individual for the purpose of establishing or maintaining the family’s eligibility for assistance under the Child Care Subsidy Program or for increasing or preventing a reduction in the amount of the assistance by intentionally giving a false or misleading statement or misrepresentation, concealment or withholding of facts or any act intended to mislead, misrepresent, conceal or withhold facts or propound a falsity.

Examples of Intentional program violation in a sentence

  • Intentional program violation is when it is proven that a recipient or a provider intentionally misrepresented or withheld information.

  • Notice shall be mailed by first-class mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to the appellant at the appellant’s last-known address.b. Intentional program violation hearing notices.

  • Intentional program violation (fraud) exists when a court or Hearings Officer finds that a recipient knowingly failed to report or failed to correctly report information pertinent to their eligibility for assistance.

  • Disqualify provider.If checked, please describe, including a description of the appeal process for providers who are disqualified Intentional program violation disqualifies a provider from participating in the subsidy program.

  • Effective Date: 01-OCT-13 NoneDisqualify client.If checked, please describe, including a description of the appeal process for clients who are disqualified Intentional program violation will disqualify a client from applying for one year.

More Definitions of Intentional program violation

Intentional program violation means an individual who is a member of a W−2 or AFDC group intentionally made a false or misleading statement or misrepresented, concealed, or with- held facts that resulted in an overpayment under s. 49.148, 49.155, 49.157, or 49.19, Stats. An intentional program violation may be determined based on an administrative hearing, a court finding, a signed waiver of an administrative hearing for an alleged inten- tional program violation, or a consent agreement in lieu of pro- secution based on the same facts or events as the intentional pro- gram violation.
Intentional program violation means an individual's intentional action or failure to act which consists of:
Intentional program violation means deliberately making a false or misleading statement; or misrepresenting, concealing, or withholding facts; or committing any act that is a violation of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), SNAP regulations, or any state law relating to the use, presentation, transfer, acquisition, receipt, possession, or trafficking of SNAP benefits or an electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card. An intentional program violation is determined through a SNAP administrative disqualification hearing, a court conviction, or when an individual signs and returns Form 470-5530, Waiver of Right to an Administrative Disqualification Hearing, which may result in a period of ineligibility for the program, a claim for overpayment of benefits, or both.
Intentional program violation means that a recipient, applicant, or any other individual in the “Assistance Unit” has intentionally misrepresented facts (including, but not limited to such facts as living arrangement, income, or assets) in order to receive MaineCare, and the recipient, applicant, or any other individual in the Assistance Unit would not have been eligible for MaineCare if the Department had been notified of the correct facts, or of a material change in facts. This includes, but is not limited to:
Intentional program violation means deliberately making a false or misleading statement; misrepresenting, concealing, or withholding facts; or committing an act that is a violation of the Food Stamp Act, food stamp program regulations, or any state rule relating to the use, presentation, transfer, acquisition, receipt, or possession of a benefit transfer instrument. An intentional program violation is determined through a food stamp administrative disqualification hearing.
Intentional program violation means intentionally making a false or misleading statement, intentionally misrepre- senting or withholding facts, or intentionally committing any act that constitutes a violation of state or federal law for the purpose of using, presenting, transferring, acquiring, receiving, possess- ing, or trafficking benefits under this chapter.
Intentional program violation or “IPV claim” means any claim for an overpayment resulting from an individual committing an IPV under 7 CFR 273.16.