Interim Mayor definition
Examples of Interim Mayor in a sentence
Beyond the public engagement activity, Members also had an opportunity to meet with the Interim Mayor when he attended a meeting in Rochdale on 22nd July 2016.
The Chair reported verbally in relation to proposals for the selection and appointment process for the Appointed (or Interim) Mayor, including that there should be an opportunity for all GM councillors to meet shortlisted candidates informally, ask questions and comment back to the GMCA.
Two suggestions, relating to the eligibility criteria for the Interim Mayor, have been incorporated into the draft Order.
This will allow for an 11th member of the CA who will be the Appointed (or Interim) Mayor for Greater Manchester, as a transition to a Directly Elected Mayor once primary legislation is in place which is expected to be operational in 2017.
RESOLVED/- To note the report and agree to grant authority to the Head of the Paid Service, GMCA, in consultation with Tony Lloyd, GM Interim Mayor, to agree the final published version of the Greater Manchester Strategy Annual Performance Report.
Resolutions and Ordinances passed by the Council will take effect as they would ifthe Mayor had no veto power.x The Interim Mayor has no authorityto appoint members to Charter section 41 Commissions and Charter section 43 Advisory Boards and Committees.x A Mayoral vacancy suspends the waiting period to take action on appointments and the Council may make appointments, subject to applicable governing laws regarding appointment authorityand the noticing and posting ofvacancies.
He also acknowledged that this was his final GMCA meeting as Interim Mayor and offered thanks to officers and Members for their support during his tenure.
In the absence or disability of the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem, Town Council may elect, as needed, from among its membership an Interim Mayor Pro Tem who shall perform all duties and have all powers of the Mayor until the return of either the Mayor or the Mayor Pro Tem.
Nevertheless, a thorough analysis of business case factors can help the decision makers at Broward County (“the County”) to understand the overall business value of implementing an enterprise resources planning (ERP) system.
This transfers significant powers and responsibilities to Greater Manchester alongside steps to strengthen governance and introduce an Appointed (or Interim) Mayor as an 11th member of the GMCA as a transition to a Directly Elected Mayor.