Examples of Interim Remedy in a sentence
Defendants filed their Motion to Issue Second Interim Remedy or to Clarify First Interim Remedy (D.E. 1047), to which the other parties responded (D.E. 1057, 1061, and 1062).
The interim remedy shall include the following: 10.1.1 General Interim Remedy Requirements The interim remedy shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Remedial Action Objectives (RAOs) described in Section 7 of this ROD.
Implementation of the Interim Remedy and other on-Site activities can be affected by site access limitations.
The DSG recommends that the full life cycle of the Interim Remedy be detailed at the RD/RA planning stage so that all parties have a clear understanding of the scope andapproach for the interim action, the key metrics for assessment of remedial performance; how the supporting data will be collected and why, and how the resulting data will be evaluated to support the decisions required to support a final remedy.
EPA’s selected remedy for the 2020 ROD Amendment 2 is an Interim Remedy, which includes components of Alternative GW-5 presented in the 2020 FS.
EPA Response: EPA confirms that an objective of this Interim Remedy is to assess the practicability of groundwater restoration by examining Site uncertainties in the area conceptualized to contain the majority of the residual DNAPL mass and to evaluate the practicability of restoring groundwater within a reasonable timeframe.
EPA will also coordinate with RIDEM and the DSG to ensure that Rhode Island’s Groundwater Residual Zone is implemented to support the Interim Remedy.
EPA intends to collect data during the performance of the Interim Remedy to inform a final decision on groundwater for the Site.
The Director of the Superfund and Emergency Management Division (SEMD) has been delegated the authority to approve this Record of Decision Amendment 2 (Interim Remedy), henceforth referred to as the ROD Amendment 2.
The State of Rhode Island concurs with the ROD Amendment 2’s Interim Remedy.