Contract Procurement Sample Clauses

Contract Procurement a. The following provisions apply only to projects involving physical construction or improvements to transportation facilities: b. The project plans, specifications, and cost estimate (PS&E) shall be prepared and certified by a professional engineer or architect, as applicable, licensed in the State of Iowa. c. The Recipient shall be responsible for the following: i. Prepare and submit the PS&E and other contract documents to the Department for review and acceptance in accordance with I.M. 3.700, Check and Final Plans and I.M. 3.500, Bridge or Culvert Plans, as applicable. ii. The contract documents shall use the Department's Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction. Prior to their use in the PS&E, specifications developed by the Recipient for individual construction items shall be approved by the Department. iii. Follow the procedures in I.M. 5.030, Iowa DOT Letting Process, to analyze the bids received; make a decision to either award a contract to the lowest responsive bidder or reject all bids; and if a contract is awarded, execute the contract documents and return to Department.
Contract Procurement. The following provisions apply only to projects involving physical construction or improvements to transportation facilities: a. The project plans, specifications, and cost estimate (PS&E) shall be prepared and certified by a professional engineer or architect, as applicable, licensed in the State of Iowa. b. For projects let through the Department, the Recipient shall be responsible for the following: i. Prepare and submit the PS&E and other contract documents to the Department for review and approval in accordance with I.M. 3.505, Check and Final Plans and I.M. 3.510, Check and Final Bridge or Culvert Plans, as applicable. ii. The contract documents shall use the Department's Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction. Prior to their use in the PS&E, specifications developed by the Recipient for individual construction items shall be approved by the Department. iii. Follow the procedures in I.M. 3.730, Iowa DOT Letting Process, to analyze the bids received, make a decision to either award a contract to the lowest responsive bidder or reject all bids, and if a contract is awarded, execute the contract documents and return to the Department. c. For projects that are let locally by the Recipient, the Recipient shall follow the procedures in I.M. 3.720, Local Letting Process, Federal-aid. d. The Recipient shall forward a completed Project Development Certification (Form 730002) to the Department in accordance with I.M. 3.
Contract Procurement. The following provisions apply only to projects involving physical construction or improvements to transportation facilities: a. The project plans, specifications, and cost estimate (PS&E) shall be prepared and certified by a professional engineer, architect, or landscape architect, as applicable, licensed in the State of Iowa. b. For projects let through the DEPARTMENT, the RECIPIENT shall be responsible for the following: i. Prepare and submit the PS&E and other contract documents to the DEPARTMENT for review and approval in accordance with I.M. 3.700, Check and Final Plans and I.M. 3.500, Bridge or Culvert Plans, as applicable. ii. The contract documents shall use the DEPARTMENT's Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction. Prior to their use in the PS&E, specifications developed by the RECIPIENT for individual construction items shall be approved by the DEPARTMENT. iii. Follow the procedures in I.M. 5.030, Iowa DOT Letting Process, to analyze the bids received, make a decision to either award a contract to the lowest responsive bidder or reject all bids, and if a contract is awarded, and execute the contract documents in Doc Express. c. For projects that are let locally by the RECIPIENT, the RECIPIENT shall follow the procedures in I.M. 5.120, Local Letting Process - Federal-aid. d. The RECIPIENT shall forward a completed Project Development Certification (Form 730002) to the DEPARTMENT in accordance with I.M. 3.710, Project Development Certification Instructions. The project shall not receive FHWA Authorization for construction or be advertised for bids until after the DEPARTMENT has reviewed and approved the Project Development Certification. e. If the RECIPIENT is a city, the RECIPIENT shall comply with the public hearing requirements of the Iowa Code section 26.
Contract Procurement. A. As part of the STATE PROJECT (PCN 6925), the CITY will grant to STATE permanent easements and temporary easements across the CITY’S property. The necessary easements are summarized in Attachment 10 and identified with more specificity in the STATE PROJECTS plans on file with the STATE. The CITY will waive any formal appraisal of its property and agrees to accept consideration in the amount of Sixteen Thousand, Five Hundred Seventy-five Dollars ($16,575.00) as full compensation for the STATE’S acquisition of the permanent and temporary easements, including any lost improvements and other damages to the easement areas and the CITY’S remaining property. The consideration of $16,575.00 is based on the STATE’S estimate of compensation set out in Attachment 10. The CITY and STATE will execute all documents necessary for the STATE’S acquisition of these easements pursuant to the terms set out in this Agreement. The parties further agree that the consideration of $16,575.00 may be applied to offset other costs incurred by the CITY under this Agreement. B. The STATE will, as requested by the CITY as part of STATE PROJECT (PCN 6925), upgrade the standard storm sewer system located along SD44 (Xxxxxxx Boulevard) in the area of the 00xx Xxxxxx intersection. The CITY will reimburse the STATE for the difference between the estimated cost of installing the STATE’S standard storm sewer and the estimated cost of the upgraded storm sewer requested by the CITY. The estimated cost of the STATE’S standard storm sewer is Fifty-one Thousand Dollars ($51,000.00). The estimated cost of the upgraded storm sewer is Eighty-three Thousand, Six Hundred Thirty Dollars ($83,630.00). The CITY’S lump sum reimbursement to the STATE will be Thirty-two Thousand, Six Hundred Thirty Dollars ($32,630.00). The estimated cost breakdown is attached to this Agreement as Attachment 1. C. The STATE will, as requested by the CITY as part of STATE PROJECT (PCN 6925), install Corten finished steel light and signal poles in lieu of galvanized steel light and signal poles. The CITY will reimburse the STATE for the difference between the estimated cost of installing the STATE’S standard galvanized steel light and signal poles and the estimated cost of installing the Corten finished steel light and signal poles requested by the CITY. The estimated cost of the STATE’S galvanized steel light and signal poles is One Hundred Fifty-three Thousand, Eight Hundred Dollars ($153,800.00), based upon historical cost...
Contract Procurement. The contract was competitively bid and awarded to one (1) vendor:
Contract Procurement. X. XXXXX expects to enter into a contract with an engineering consultant for the Lincoln County Highway 106 Corridor Study (hereinafter "CORRIDOR STUDY"). B. The CORRIDOR STUDY will be budgeted in SECOG’s Operating Budget and SECOG’s portion of the Sioux Falls Metropolitan Planning Organization’s 2022 Unified Planning Work Program’s (UPWP) Professional Services/Consultants work activities. C. One hundred twenty-two thousand nine hundred twenty-five dollars ($122,925) in Federal funding will be provided under the 2022 UPWP requiring twenty-seven thousand seventy-five dollars ($27,075) in nonfederal matching funds. D. The COUNTY, HARRISBURG, and SIOUX FALLS desire to benefit from the CORRIDOR STUDY and to share in its cost. E. The COUNTY, HARRISBURG, and SIOUX FALLS agree to financially participate equally in providing the nonfederal cost share. This amounts to 33.3% not to exceed nine thousand twenty- five dollars ($9,025) for each entity. F. This Agreement is contingent upon the entry and fulfillment of a separate agreement between the SECOG and the engineering consultant for the CORRIDOR STUDY. G. The COUNTY, HARRISBURG, and SIOUX FALLS agree to provide their financial contribution to SECOG within thirty (30) days of the execution of the engineering consultant agreement for completion of the CORRIDOR STUDY. H. Nothing herein creates or establishes any cause of action by the COUNTY, HARRISBURG, or SIOUX FALLS against SECOG due to the inability of the SECOG to finalize the CORRIDOR STUDY. I. The parties agree that the SECOG will be responsible for administration of the contract. X. The parties agree to form a study advisory team to provide technical and advisory input on the CORRIDOR STUDY.
Contract Procurement a. CITY shall design, advertise, let to contract, award, and be the contracting party for the CITY PROJECT. Material certification and testing shall comply with STATE standards. b. CITY shall provide plans for review and secure approval from STATE prior to letting. c. CITY shall design the project in accordance with MUTCD, National Electric Code, and ADA standards.
Contract Procurement. A. The STATE will design, advertise, let to contract, and be the contracting party for the PROJECT. B. The STATE will obtain the required environmental clearances for the PROJECT. C. The STATE will provide construction engineering including construction supervision and inspection.
Contract Procurement. A. CITY shall design, advertise, let to contract, award to lowest responsible bidder, and be the contracting party for the CITY PROJECT at no cost to the STATE. STATE shall review and approve CITY’S plans for CITY PROJECT prior to letting to ensure that the plans meet the STATE’S form and specifications. B. CITY shall provide all construction engineering for CITY PROJECT at no cost to the STATE, including all construction supervision and inspection, physical testing, measuring in-place quantities, and documenting locations for as-built records. C. The CITY’S construction cost is estimated to be Eighty-eight Thousand Dollars ($88,000.00) based on bid items listed in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein. D. In order to comply with sections A7 and A11 of Agreement Number 612978, STATE will reimburse the CITY for actual costs of CITY PROJECT up to a maximum amount of Eighty-eight Thousand Dollars ($88,000), unless the STATE concurs with changes to costs prior to work commencing. Any such concurrence made by the STATE must be followed by a written amendment to this Agreement, pursuant to Paragraph 6, below. E. STATE will pay the CITY within thirty (30) days of receipt of billings from the CITY with One Hundred Percent (100%) State Funds using IM 0902(00)61 PCN 0204 as STATE project reference.
Contract Procurement. A. The STATE intends to seek proposals for a transportation planning study for the area of Mitchell, South Dakota (referred to in this Agreement as the “STUDY”); and B. If the STATE and the CITY pursue the STUDY, the federal funding source is anticipated to be state planning and research (SPR) funds.