Examples of Item Rate in a sentence
In case of Item Rate Tenders, the revision of rates for (i) abnormally high rate items and (ii) abnormally low rate items, shall become operative under the following circumstances:- For increase in quantity of more than 25% in respect of works executed below plinth level and 10% in respect of works executed above plinth level.
Item Rate Tenders are invited in the prescribed tender documents by the Chief Executive Officer, Naya Raipur Development Authority (NRDA), Raipur Chhattisgarh from eligible contractors registered with any Central / state /semi Government of India or public sector undertaking.
For Item Rate Contract a) If the rates for the additional, altered or substituted WORK are specified in the CONTRACT for the WORK, the CONTRACTOR is bound to carry on the additional, altered or substituted WORK at the same rates as are specified in the CONTRACT.
The date, time and venue of opening of Item Rate BoQ will be advised to the technically qualified bidders separately.
The contractor is to quote the rate (on Item Rate) online through Computer in the space marked in the BOQ.
A Bidder granting extension of validity will not be permitted to modify his technical or Item Rate BoQ.
The price- bid will be in Item Rate or Percentage Rate BOQ format and the bidder will have quote for all the tendered items and the L-1 will be decided on overall quoted value (i.e. Cost to Company).
The Price-bid will be in Item Rate BOQ format and the bidder will have to quote for all the tendered items and the L-1 will be decided on overall quoted value (i.e. Cost to company).
In the case of Item Rate Tenders, only rates quoted shall be considered.
Item Rate BoQ will be opened and compared at the specified date and time.