Examples of Jones Act in a sentence
If work is to be performed over water and involves maritime exposure, applicable LHWCA, Jones Act, or other maritime law coverage shall be included.
Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Act, the Jones Act, and the Outer Continental Shelf Land Act, if applicable.
Contractor shall comply with the Washington State Industrial Insurance Act and, if applicable, the Federal Longshoremen’s and Harbor Workers’ Act and the Jones Act.
If work is to be performed over water and involves maritime exposure, applicable LHWCA, Jones Act, or other maritime law coverage shall be included and the Employers Liability limit increased to a minimum of $1,000,000.
In addition, if a portion of the Work is performed from a barge or ship or requires unloading material from a barge or ship on a navigable waterway of the United States, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to arrange coverage for that portion of the Work under the Longshore and Harborworkers’ Compensation Act [33 USC Section 901 et seq.] and the Jones Act [5 USC Section 751 et seq.] and provide proof of coverage to the Department.