Labels definition
Examples of Labels in a sentence
Labels must identify the hazardous chemical(s), contain appropriate hazard warnings, name and address of the responsible party (i.e. manufacturer), identify the target organs and the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Registry Numbers for the chemical ingredients of the product.
Labels: 3 Hazard number: 30 ADR LQ: 5 LIMDG LQ: 5 L ICAO LQ: 10 L Provisions concerning carriage in bulk ADR: Not authorized carriage in bulk in accordance with ADR.
All hazardous ingredients are listed on the DSL/NDSL.Industry and Science CanadaMG Labels products intended for the workplace to conform to WHMIS labeling regulations.
Labels on the extinguisher indicate the class or classes of fire that they can be expected to extinguish.
Labels: 9 Hazard number: 90 ADR LQ: 5 LIMDG LQ: 5 L ICAO LQ: 30 kg B Provisions concerning carriage in bulk ADR: Not authorized carriage in bulk in accordance with ADR.