Laity definition

Laity means all persons who have received the Sacrament of Holy Baptism with water in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, whether in this Church or in another Christian Church whose Baptisms have been duly recorded in this Church, and who are not Members of the Clergy.
Laity means the body of worshippers as distinguished from clergy. One who has been and no longer is Clergy shall not be qualified to stand for election or appointment to a position reserved to the laity.
Laity here means men and women, young and old, who are lay members of the Syro-Malabar Church. Hence, the Commission may have separate sections for family and laity, lay men, women, the youth, children, Dalits, labours and so on, as per the need.

Examples of Laity in a sentence

  • Traditional laity gatherings such as Annual Conference, District Trainings, Cluster events, and the Board of the Laity are opportunities for such training and refection.

  • There is no inference of substitution or succession.Such associates or deputy lay leaders may, with the consent of the agency involved, represent the conference lay leader at meetings of such agencies for which the lay leader is a member ex-officio on either an ad hoc or a continuing basis.The lay leader shall be the chairperson of the Board of Laity and member of the Conference Connectional Leadership Team.

  • Each district conference shall submit annually one name of a person for the position to the Board of Laity which shall consider those names and nominate one or more people on the conference floor for the office of lay leader.

  • The election of a Bishop for this Diocese shall be made in Convention, in the following manner: After nomination in open Convention, the Clergy and Laity shall ballot separately and a concurrent majority in both Orders shall be necessary to a choice.

  • Xxx Xxxxx, Laity, Secular Compensation Practitioner: Clergy Taxation (2018-2023), Chair (2021-2023) Rev.

  • The Second Vatican Council in its "Decree to the Apostate of the Laity" stressed the importance of the parents providing the first experience of their faith to their children.

  • There shall be a Commission on Archives and History composed of six members drawn from the Laity and Clergy of the Diocese.

  • The Committee, as constituted during this process, which began in the fall of 2018: Xx. Xxxx Xxxx, Laity (2015-2020), Chair (2018-2021) term extended due to cancellation of 2020 Annual Conference Xx. Xxx Xxxxx, Laity: Calculator (2016-2021) Xxx.

  • Laity in their distinct but complementary role should do likewise.

  • Without forgetting that parents are “the first to communicate the faith to their children and to educate them” (Apostolate of the Laity, II), Andrean, in cooperation with the home, the Church, and the state, seeks the spiritual, intellectual, physical, and cultural formation of its students in a Christian atmosphere.

More Definitions of Laity

Laity means the lay representatives sent to Synod in terms of Canon 1.2.
Laity. , “layman” or “layperson” means member or members of the Church not in Holy Orders.
Laity means all other Catholics who have not

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  • Toddler means a child at least one year of age but less than 2 years of age.

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  • SORA means, in respect of any Singapore Business Day “i”, a reference rate equal to the daily Singapore Overnight Rate Average published by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (or a successor administrator), as the administrator of the benchmark, on the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s website currently at, or any successor website officially designated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (or as published by its authorised distributors) (the “Relevant Screen Page”) on the Singapore Business Day immediately following such Singapore Business Day “i”;

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  • River means a flowing body of water or a portion or tributary of a flowing body of water, including streams, creeks, or impoundments and small lakes thereon.

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