Examples of Lawful possession in a sentence
Lawful possession of immovable property in a situation where ownership in an absolute term is yet to be established confers good title on the possessor as against the whole world except the true legal owner of such property.
Lawful possession through duty necessity is not a violation of this standard.
Courtesy translation from the original Italian text COMPANY NAMELOTTOITALIA S.R.L.Fiscal Code, VAT no.
In the allocation of the released funds, the Authority in consultation with the subregion RTPC will in priority order consider: 1)a project or program of the same travel mode (i.e. transit, bicycle/pedestrian, or road) in the same subregion,2) a project or program for other modes of travel in the same subregion, 3) other expenditure plan projects or programs, and 4) other projects or programs of regional significance.
Lawful possession of any prohibited weapons will require written permission from the Secretary of State.
Specified in Special Permit ii.Certificate of lawful possessionSECOND SCHEDULESee Section 12(2) Animals, trophies or meat for the possession, transfer or captive management in private sector or export of which certificate of Lawful possession is required.
Lawful possession of alcohol and recreational cannabis in employee’s home is however permitted.
Regulation 8.06 of the Watershed and Recreation Rules and Regulations: Lawful possession of any gun, firearm, paint gun, spear, bow, crossbow, slingshot, air or gas weapon, or any other lawful weapon is allowed, but open display or use within the Park is prohibited.
Lawful possession and/or use of alcoholic beverages while off duty in Township’s parks are not prohibited by this section unless prohibited by the park’s rules or other applicable law.
This policy does not prohibit: Lawful possession or carry related to an academic use or use at a campus shooting range, such as law enforcement programs, approved in writing by the college or university president; or Transport of an unloaded firearm directly between a parking area or parking facility and the location authorized for its use, or transport of an unloaded firearm directly between a parking area or parking facility and a storage facility provided by the college or university.