Examples of Large MS4 in a sentence
Large MS4 means all municipal separate storm sewer systems that are located in an incorporated place with a population of two hundred fifty thousand or more as determined by the 1990 census by the United States bureau of census.Larger Common Plan of Development or Sale means a contiguous area where multiple separate and distinct construction activities may be taking place at different times on different schedules under one plan.
Large Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (Large MS4) – all municipal separate storm sewers that are located in an incorporated place with a population of 250,000 or more according to the latest Census.
Large MS4 permittees (Phase I MS4 permittees) are held to a different MEP standard and do not currently have post-construction exemptions in their permits.
Large MS4 means all municipal separate storm sewer systems that are located in an incorporated place with a population of two hundred fifty thousand or more as determined by the 1990 census by the United States bureau of census.
This statutory authority to issue permits based on water quality impact (as opposed to the proxy of population served) is often referred to as the “residual designation authority” of the EPA and the states.For our purposes, the relevant Phase I categories77 are the following:(1) Large MS4.
The Department has determined that the two percent per year goal identified in the Phase III WIP to achieve pollution reduction targets will be met cumulatively by all Phase I Large MS4 permittees.
The Small MS4 was incorporated into the City's Large MS4 permit and filed in March 2007.
Entities who hold a Large MS4 NPDES Permit may request an exemption from these Rules to comply with a NPDES construction and post-construction runoff control program approved by DOH.
A Memorandum of Agreement was reached with other City agencies to consolidate the Small MS4 and Industrial Permits into the Large MS4 (March 2007).
The Fact Sheet includes a cursory discussion of costs associated with Large MS4 permits in general, but it does not analyze the cost of compliance for dischargers under the Draft Permit.