Unique User ID means a string of characters that identifies a specific user and which, in conjunction with a password, passphrase or other mechanism, authenticates a user to an information system.
Customer Usage Data means the Telecommunications Services usage data of a CLEC End User measured in minutes, sub-minute increments, message units, or otherwise, that is recorded by SBC-13STATE and forwarded to CLEC.
Service Users means each person who is referred or presents to the Provider as part of the provision of the Services;
End Users means a Third Party residence or business that subscribes to Telecommunications Services provided by any of the Parties at retail. As used herein, the term “End User(s)” does not include any of the Parties to this Agreement with respect to any item or service obtained under this Agreement.
Customer User means an employee of Customer, a Customer Affiliate or Business Partner.
Eligible Users means those authorized to use State Cooperative Contracts and includes the State of Utah’s government departments, institutions, agencies, political subdivisions (e.g., colleges, school districts, counties, cities, etc.), and, as applicable, nonprofit organizations, agencies of the federal government, or any other entity authorized by the laws of the State of Utah to participate in State Cooperative Contracts.
Users means those employees, contractors, and end users, as applicable, authorized by You or on Your behalf to use the Services in accordance with the Master Agreement and Your order. For Services that are specifically designed to allow Your clients, agents, customers, suppliers or other third parties to access the Cloud Services to interact with You, such third parties will be considered “Users” subject to the terms of the Master Agreement and Your order.
Active User means PSC employees, and any users actively participating on the system in any given month of operation, who shall be bound to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Licensor does not impose a limit on the number of Active Users accessing or registering to use the system.
data user means a natural or legal person who has lawful access to certain personal or non-personal data and is authorised to use that data for commercial or non-commercial purposes;
Network Service User means an entity using Network Transmission Service.
Internet Access means a service that enables users to access content, information, electronic mail or other services over the internet. Internet access does not include telecommunication services provided by a common carrier.
system user means a natural or legal person supplying to, or being supplied by, a transmission or distribution system;
Access Channel means any Channel, or portion thereof, designated for Access purposes or otherwise made available to facilitate or transmit Access programming or services.
Alarm user means the person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or organization of any kind in control of any building, structure, or facility or portion thereof wherein an alarm system is maintained.
Supported Web Browser means the current release from time to time of Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Apple Safari, or any other web browser that the Provider agrees in writing shall be supported;
Network User means a customer or a potential customer of a transmission system operator, and transmission system operators themselves in so far as it is necessary for them to carry out their functions in relation to transmission;
Routine use means the disclosure of a record without the consent of the subject or subjects, for a purpose which is compatible with the purpose for which the record was collected. It includes disclosures required to be made by statute other than the public records law, Iowa Code chapter 22.
Download means copying data from one computer system (for example a backend server) to another (for example a vehicle).
Service User means your customer, (i.e., the purchaser of the Offering).
Captive User means the end user of the electricity generated in a Captive Generating Plant and the term “Captive Use” shall be construed accordingly;
Network Load means the load that a Network Customer designates for Network Integration Transmission Service under Tariff, Part III. The Network Customer’s Network Load shall include all load (including losses, Non-Dispatched Charging Energy, and Load Serving Charging Energy) served by the output of any Network Resources designated by the Network Customer. A Network Customer may elect to designate less than its total load as Network Load but may not designate only part of the load at a discrete Point of Delivery. Where an Eligible Customer has elected not to designate a particular load at discrete points of delivery as Network Load, the Eligible Customer is responsible for making separate arrangements under Tariff, Part II for any Point-To-Point Transmission Service that may be necessary for such non-designated load. Network Load shall not include Dispatched Charging Energy.
Back siphonage means the backflow resulting from pressures lower than atmospheric pressure in the water installation;
Broadband Internet access service means a mass-market retail service by wire or radio that provides the capability to transmit data to and receive data from all or substantially all Internet endpoints, including any capabilities that are incidental to and enable the operation of the communications service, but excluding dial-up Internet access service. This term also encompasses any service that the State finds to be providing a functional equivalent of the service described in the previous sentence, or that is used to evade the protections set forth in this section.
Permitted Users means employees and Contract Employees of Your Permitted Entity.
IVR means Interactive Voice Response.
Switched Access Detail Usage Data means a category 1101xx record as defined in the EMI iconectiv Practice BR 010-200-010.