Lead risk assessor definition

Lead risk assessor means an individual who has been licensed by the Board to conduct lead
Lead risk assessor means an individual who has been licensed by the Board to conduct lead inspections, lead risk assessments and abatement clearance testing.
Lead risk assessor means an individual who has been

Examples of Lead risk assessor in a sentence

  • Amendment Revised Filing Yes Yes 3701-32-03 General provisions and prohibitions.General application procedures, provisions, and qualifications for clearanceAmendment Revised Filing Yes Yes 3701-32-04technician, lead inspector, lead risk assessor, lead abatement contractor, lead abatement worker or lead abatement project designer.Amendment Revised Filing Yes Yes 3701-32-07 Lead risk assessor scope of practice and standards of conduct.

  • Lead risk assessor" means a person who is responsible for developing a written inspection, risk assessment, and analysis plan; conducting inspections for lead-based paint lead hazards in a structure residential unit, child day-care facility, or school; taking post-abatement soil and dust clearance samples and evaluating the results; interpreting results of inspections and risk assessments; identifying hazard control strategies to reduce or eliminate lead exposures; and completing a risk assessment report.

  • Supplement email or text communication with frequent face-to-face and voice interactions depending on what type of discussion you are having.

More Definitions of Lead risk assessor

Lead risk assessor means an individual who conducts lead investigation activities.
Lead risk assessor means a person who is responsible for developing a written inspection, risk assessment and analysis plan; conducting inspections for lead hazards in a residential unit, child care facility, or school; interpreting results of inspections or risk assessments; identifying hazard control strategies to reduce or eliminate lead exposures; and completing a risk assessment report.
Lead risk assessor means an individual who has been trained by a Department-approved training program and is licensed by the Department to conduct lead risk assessments, lead inspections, and lead hazard screens; to sample for the presence of lead in paint, dust, soil and water; and to conduct compliance investigations and final clearance evaluations. (Section 2 of the Act)
Lead risk assessor means “lead risk assessor” as defined in RSA 130-A:1, XVI-b.
Lead risk assessor means a person who performs a lead risk assessment or a lead hazard screen risk assessment, or identifies acceptable abatement strategies for reducing lead hazards. A licensed lead risk assessor can do any lead activities that a licensed lead inspector can legally do.
Lead risk assessor means an individual who has been trained by a Department approved training program to conduct risk assessments, sample for the presence of lead in dust and soil and conduct abatement clearance testing.
Lead risk assessor means an individual who has been trained by the Licensing Agency in the State where the work is to occur, to conduct risk assessments, sample for the presence of lead in dust and soil and conduct abatement clearance testing.