Examples of Learning Centers in a sentence
ESEA section 4203(a)(2)): Describe how the SEA will use funds received under the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program, including funds reserved for State-level activities.
ESEA section 4203(a)(4)): Describe the procedures and criteria the SEA will use for reviewing applications and awarding 21st Century Community Learning Centers funds to eligible entities on a competitive basis, which shall include procedures and criteria that take into consideration the likelihood that a proposed community learning center will help participating students meet the challenging State academic standards and any local academic standards.
In February 2003, early findings from an ED-funded study of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) program, conducted by Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., were released in a report titled When Schools Stay Open Late.
The 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program The passage of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, which significantly amended the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to expand State and local accountability and flexibility and to stress the adoption of research-based practice, contained a number of new provisions that specifically affected the 21st Century Communities Learning Centers (21st CCLC) program.
It included a representative national sample of middle schools, examining data from matched comparison groups of 4,400 middle-school students in 34 schools districts with 62 Community Learning Centers.
All apparel, (e.g., t-shirts, jackets, etc.), and printed items, (e.g., business cards, banners, stationary, etc.), purchased with CLC funds must include reference to the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program and either “Milwaukee Recreation” or “Milwaukee Public Schools.” In the event that apparel is purchased by Provider, Provider shall comply with the standards set forth in MPS Board of School Directors’ Administrative Policy 3.09(18).
Many RSCS Learning Centers embrace and promote the gifts and talents of students through performing arts workshops.
Provide funds to implement the 21st Century Community Learning Centers initiative to provide academic, artistic, and cultural enrichment opportunities to children, particularly students who attend high poverty and low-performing schools, to meet challenging state standards, and local standards in core academic subjects, such as reading, math, and science.
GW also offers Residents 10% tuition savings at KinderCare® Learning Centers (including legacy CCLC® Child Care Centers) and Champions® Before-and After-School Programs across the U.S. For more information about centers and sites near you call 877-914-7683 visit www.kindercare.com/employee-benefits/gwu.
These Coordinators are: Testing Centers Learning Centers Information and Community Relations Continuing Education Services Workforce Development Student Success Coordinator College Support Staff* These are employees of the college who fill the roles of support to carry out the mission of the departments they serve.