Examples of Learning Object in a sentence
The project is led by the University of Strathclyde (http://www.storcuram.ac.uk/ ).• Learning Object Repository for Edinburgh University (LORE )LORE provides a learning object repository for the University of Edinburgh’s e-learning projects and will investigate the provision of a university wide repository.
The Semantic Learning Object Model (SLOM) is a new metadata model de- veloped in the INTUITEL project8 to combine pedagogical and domain-specific knowledge with concrete learning material.
The ontology is the starting point for the Semantic Learning Object Model developedin INTUITEL.
D., Boley, H., McGrath, S., Ball, M.: Collaborative Filtering and Inference Rules for Context-Aware Learning Object Recommendation.
At MIT, there is no Learning Object Repository in use, but there are some digital materials for courses that get reused.
Recommendation: Increased cross-fertilisation between eLearning and Digital Library fields The eLearning domain has seen an emphasis on standards for Learning Object metadata, with various elements recommended to be taken from relevant controlled vocabularies.
With this approach, the CCs contained in a KD (e.g. NetworkDesign) can be specified in a straightforward way as illustrated in the SMW markup code excerpt displayed in Figure 4:Each Learning Object (KD, CC, KO) has its own page in a Semantic Medi- aWiki system.
We show how pedagogically relevant terms can be mapped to Semantic MediaWiki’s language elements and vice versa so that course content can be exported in a format that is compliant to the Pedagogical Ontology and Semantic Learning Object Model.
It serves as facilitating data infrastructure for the utilization and integration of externally hosted data in INTUITEL-compliant learning material.The Semantic Learning Object Model (SLOM) is the format in which the IN- TUITEL system stores general information about courses, which is necessary to provide learning recommendations and feedback to learners.
If there are common cartridges or thin common cartridges available for the digital resources, GCPS will place the content into our Learning Object Repository (LOR).