Principal Financial Centre means, in relation to any currency, the principal financial centre for that currency provided, however, that:
Principal Financial Center means, in the case of any Currency, the principal financial center where such Currency is cleared and settled, as determined by the Administrative Agent.
TO Proposal – Financial means the TO Contractor’s financial response to the CATS II TORFP dateddate of TO Proposal - Financial.
BRL means Brazilian real, the lawful currency of Brazil;
Hong Kong” the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC;
Additional Financial Centre(s means the city or cities specified as such in the relevant Final Terms;
parent institution in a Member State means an institution which has a institution or a financial institution as a subsidiary or which holds a participation in such an institution, and which is not itself a subsidiary of another institution authorised in the same Member State, or of a financial holding company or mixed financial holding company set up in the same Member State.
EU means the European Union.
third State means a State not a party to the treaty;
British Pounds Sterling means the lawful currency of Great Britain.
China means the People’s Republic of China, excluding, for purposes of this Agreement, Hong Kong, the Macau Special Administrative Region of the PRC and Taiwan.
EU Member State means a member state of the EU;
SIAC means the Singapore International Arbitration Centre;
parent financial holding company in a Member State means a financial holding company which is not itself a subsidiary of an institution authorised in the same Member State, or of a financial holding company or mixed financial holding company set up in the same Member State;
CJI means criminal justice information collected by criminal justice agencies needed for the performance of their authorized functions, including, without limitation, all information defined as criminal justice information by the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Criminal Justice Information Services Security Policy, as amended and all Criminal Justice Records as defined under §24-72-302, C.R.S.
Participating Member States means the member states of the European Communities that adopt or have adopted the euro as their lawful currency in accordance with the legislation of the European Union relating to European Monetary Union.
Municipal Finance Management Act means the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003);
Native American means a person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and who is regarded as such by the community of which this person claims to be a part or who is recognized by a tribal organization.
Principal Financial Officer shall have the meanings given to such terms in the Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxx Act.
India means the territory of India and includes the territorial sea and airspace above it, as well as any other maritime zone in which India has sovereign rights, other rights and jurisdiction, according to the Indian law and in accordance with international law, including the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea;
Swiss Francs means the lawful currency of Switzerland.
competent institution means, in relation to Japan, any of the insurance institutions, or any association thereof, responsible for the operation of the Japanese pension systems specified in paragraph 1(a) of Article 2.
Bog means wetlands which have the following char- acteristics: Hydric organic soils (peat and/or muck) typically 16 inches or more in depth (except over bedrock or hardpan); and vegetation such as sphagnum moss, Labrador tea, bog laurel, bog rosemary, sundews, and sedges; bogs may have an overstory of spruce, western hemlock, lodgepole pine, west- ern red cedar, western white pine, Oregon crabapple, or quak- ing aspen, and may be associated with open water. This includes nutrient-poor fens. (See board manual section 8.)
International Financial Institution means any bank in the top 1,000 (together with their affiliated companies) as measured by "Tier 1" capital or any broker/dealer in the top 100 as measured by capital.
Metropolitan Region Scheme or “Scheme” has the meaning ascribed to that expression in the Scheme Act;
Banking Day Financial Centre means the Banking Day Financial Centre as specified in § 1 of the Product and Underlying Data.