Examples of Legal Representation Costs in a sentence
We will pay on behalf of any Insured Person the Legal Representation Costs arising from an Investigation first notified as being required during the Period of Insurance2.
Based upon attributable to or arising out of the use of any mechanically propelled vehicle for which compulsory insurance is required under any legislation This exception does not apply to Legal Representation Costs or Defence Costs directly relating to any criminal or regulatory proceedings.
We will pay on Your behalf the Legal Representation Costs arising from an Investigation against an Insured Person which You are legally obliged or permitted to pay on behalf of the Insured Person first notified as being required during the Period of Insurance Bail CostsWe will pay on behalf of any Insured Person Bail Costs arising from a Claim against an Insured Person for a Wrongful Act within the Geographical Limits.
T = X (I – X )-1 (3) rnx1 and c1xn are regarded as two vectors representing the sum of rows and sum of columns of the total relation matrix T, respectively.
We will pay on Your behalf the Legal Representation Costs arising from an Investigation against an Insured Person which You are legally obliged or permitted to pay on behalf of the Insured Person first notified as being required during the Period of Insurance Bail CostsWe will pay on behalf of any Insured Person Bail Costs arising from a Claim against an Insured Person for a Wrongful Actwithin the Geographical Limits.
The City will not approve the Payment of Legal Representation Costs to an Elected Member or Employee for a defamation action, or a negligence action, instituted by the Elected Member or Employee.
Mr. Doerpholz explained what happens in other departments if there is justification but it sounds like the Library is a secondary source for the Town.
An Elected Member or Employee who seeks assistance under this Policy is to make an application(s) for Payment of Legal Representation Costs.
The study of the microstructural properties of pure PbI2, pure Sn, and Sn alloyed PbI2 thin films were measured over a 2θ range of 10o—65⁰ as shown in Fig.
There are five major criteria that apply as the basis for approval of whether the City will pay the Legal Representation Costs of a Relevant Person.