Legally parked definition
Examples of Legally parked in a sentence
Legally parked vehicles shall not be considered sight obstructions in the vision clearance triangle.
Legally parked vehicles shall not be considered sight obstructions in the vision clearance triangle.
Car Park means all bays, building, equipment, surrounding fixtures, fencing and all property;
Terminally ill means having an illness or sickness that can reasonably be expected to result in death in twenty-four months or less.
Mobile home means any dwelling that is designed to be made mobile, and constructed or manufactured to provide a permanent residence for one or more persons, but does not include a travel trailer or tent trailer;
Bicycle means a device propelled solely by human power, upon which a person may ride either on
Smoking means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette, pipe, hookah, or any other lighted or heated tobacco or plant product intended for inhalation, including marijuana, whether natural or synthetic, in any manner or in any form. “Smoking” also includes the use of an electronic smoking device which creates an aerosol or vapor, in any manner or in any form, or the use of any oral smoking device for the purpose of circumventing the prohibition of smoking in this Article.
Walked means when an Attendee with a confirmed reservation is denied a room for any reason.