Other Vehicles Sample Clauses
Other Vehicles. No other vehicles such as ATV’s, 3-wheelers, dune buggies are permitted.
Other Vehicles. If the Third Party Administrator permits its Third Party Tester(s) to use applicant vehicles for conducting road tests, it must ensure prior to the test that each such vehicle is in compliance with the Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law, and has the required coverage of $10,000 for Personal Injury Protection and $10,000 Property Damage Liability coverage as required by subsection 324.021(7), Florida Statutes.
Other Vehicles. 6.2.1 The Contractor shall provide a car, truck, 4x4 truck, sport utility vehicle, golf cart, three-wheel Segway or bicycle (Vehicle) within five (5) working days when requested to do so for a particular facility. Subject to the Director’s approval of the make, the model features of the Vehicle, lease rate and markup, the Contractor may invoice the lease cost of these Vehicles, as a bi-weekly pass-through plus an approved percentage markup. All other costs associated with the operation of Vehicles, including insurance and maintenance, are the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Any safety requirements to operate requested vehicle shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
Other Vehicles. 1) Owned by you qualify for:
a. The lower of necessary and reasonable cost to repair or the cost of replacing it with property of equivalent function and reasonably similar to the old; or
b. If surplus, the declared value at the time sent.
c. We will pay replacement cost when the cost to repair exceeds 80 percent of NADA book (retail value) or similar depreciated value as determined by us or our contractors.
d. Any vehicles that are defined as “other vehicles” you do not own, did not purchase new, or will not replace with a new vehicle, qualify only for the lower of:
i. Depreciated value; or
ii. If surplus, the declared value at the time sent.
2) Paid losses to vehicles will be paid to the owning agency and charged to the agency in possession and control of the vehicle at the time of the loss.
3) We pay reasonable and necessary towing and storing charges for your damaged vehicles. We do not pay fees for storage on any state-owned or state-rented lands.
Other Vehicles. In order for a driver to be approved, the following criteria must be met – Other Vehicles:
Other Vehicles. CONTRACTOR will maintain sufficient vehicles required for the evaluating of road conditions and shuttling of maintenance personnel to stranded buses during all weather conditions.
Other Vehicles. Note: Including sleighs and air-cushion vehicles.
Other Vehicles. Only designated Operator game drive vehicles and SANParks management vehicles are permitted on game viewing tracks. All other Operator vehicles must remain on the main designated arterial access route(s) or official public roads within the National Parks.
Other Vehicles. A. Motorcycles, motorbikes, mopeds, four-wheelers, and snowmobiles are not allowed in West Branch Village except for entrance and exit from a resident’s site. Parking of these vehicles is permitted at the residence on the patio or driveway only.
Other Vehicles. For the purpose of calculating the RVC of a motor vehicle provided for in sections 20(2) or (3) of Appendix A to this part, the producer of the automotive good may average its RVC calculation pursuant to the provisions set forth in sections 16(5) and section 20(6) of Appendix A to this part.