Legislative Session definition
Examples of Legislative Session in a sentence
This was established for Tier 2 members during the 2008 Special Legislative Session by House Bill 1.
During the 2013 Legislative Session, Senate Bill 2 was enacted, creating Tier 3 benefits for members.
To adhere to the requirements set forth by legislative bills passed during the 86th Texas Legislative Session, Parties shall follow the reporting guidelines herein under Section 2 – Applicable Law.
The Firm represents and warrants that it will ensure its compliance with the Mississippi Employment Protection Act (Senate Bill 2988 from the 2008 Regular Legislative Session) and will register and participate in the status verification system for all newly hired employees.
The 86th Texas Legislative Session passed SB 25, which states each institution of higher education shall develop at least one recommended course sequence for each undergraduate certificate or degree program offered by the institution.
The 86th Texas Legislative Session passed SB1276, which requires that the College establish advising strategies and terminology related to dual credit and college readiness.
Pursuant to Texas Education Code Section 22.083, as passed during the 80th(R) Texas Legislative Session as Senate Bill No. 9, individuals that come in contact with students shall be fingerprinted and the person's national criminal history record information researched to determine the individual's criminal history.
To adhere to the requirements set forth by HB1638, the Dual Enrollment Policy Statement approved during the SACSCOC December 2018 annual meeting, and legislative bills passed during the 86th Texas Legislative Session, the College and the School District will provide academic advising as listed herein.
To adhere to the requirements listed in the goals outlined in House Bill 1638 (“HB1638”) passed during the 85th Texas Legislative Session, Regular Session, and codified in the Texas Education Code, Section 28.009 (b-1) and (b-2), the College and the School District will ensure that documentation summarizing collaboration and outreach efforts of College and School District will be readily available and posted.
The 86th Texas Legislative Session passed HB 3650 which requires that the School District and the College consider the use of free or low-cost open educational resources in courses offered as dual credit, for which the School uses as part of its course offering to satisfy the prescribed courses in the identified degree plans.