Liability to Owners Sample Clauses

Liability to Owners. (i) Without prejudice to sub-clause 11.1, the Managers shall be under no liability whatsoever to the Owners for any loss, damage, delay or expense of whatsoever nature, whether direct or indirect, (including but not limited to loss of profit arising out of or in connection with detention of or delay to the Vessel) and howsoever arising in the course of performance of the Management Services UNLESS same is proved to have resulted solely from the negligence, gross negligence or wilful default of the Managers or their employees, or agents or sub-contractors employed by them in connection with the Vessel, in which case (save where loss, damage, delay or expense has resulted from the Managers’ personal act or omission committed with the intent to cause same or recklessly and with knowledge that such loss, damage, delay or expense would probably result) the Managers’ liability for each incident or series of incidents giving rise to a claim or claims shall never exceed a total of ten times the annual management fee payable hereunder.
Liability to Owners. (i) Without prejudice to sub-clause 330 11.1, the Managers shall be under no liability whatsoever to the 331 Owners for any loss, damage, delay or expense of whatsoever 332 nature, whether direct or indirect, (including but not limited to 333 loss of profit arising out of or in connection with detention of or 334 delay to the Vessel) and howsoever arising in the course of 335 performance of the Management Services UNLESS same is 336 proved to have resulted solely from the negligence, gross 337 negligence or wilful default of the Managers or their employees, 338 or agents or sub-contractors employed by them in connection 339 with the Vessel, in which case (save where loss, damage, delay 340 or expense has resulted from the Managers’ personal act or 341 omission committed with the intent to cause same or recklessly 342 and with knowledge that such loss, damage, delay or expense 343 would probably result) the Managers’ liability for each incident 344 or series of incidents giving rise to a claim or claims shall never 345 Exceed a total of ten times the annual management fee payable 346 hereunder, 347
Liability to Owners. The Managers shall be under no liability to the Owners for any loss, damage, delay or expense of whatsoever nature, whether direct or indirect, (including but not limited to loss of profit arising out of or in connection with detention of or delay to the Vessel) and howsoever arising in the course of performance of the Management Services, unless the same is proved to have resulted from the breach of this Agreement, fraud, gross negligence, or wilful misconduct of the Managers or their employees, or agents or sub-contractors employed by them in connection with the Vessel, in which case (save where loss, damage, delay or expense has resulted from the Managers’ personal act or omission committed with the intent to cause same or recklessly and with knowledge that such loss, damage, delay or expense would probably result) the Managers’ liability for each incident or series of incidents giving rise to a claim or claims shall not exceed a total of twelve (12) times the monthly Management Fee of Forty-Six Thousand Dollars (US$46,000) as adjusted annually pursuant to Clause 7.3 above. Notwithstanding anything herein contained in the contrary, the Managers shall not be liable for any of the actions of the Crew, even if such actions are negligent or wilful, except only to the extent that they are shown to have resulted from a failure by the Managers to discharge their obligations under Clauses 3.1 or 3.4, in which case their liability shall be limited in accordance with the terms of this Clause 10.2.
Liability to Owners. Without prejudice to Sub-Clause 17(a), the Managers shall be under no liability whatsoever to the Owners for any loss, damage, delay or expense of whatsoever nature, whether direct or indirect (including but not limited to loss of profit arising out of or in connection with detention of or delay to the Vessel), and howsoever arising in the course of performance of the Management Services UNLESS the same is proved to have resulted solely from: (i) the persistent and/or continuing negligence of the Managers which causes material losses and/or material additional expense to the Owners for a period of 3 (three) calendar months or more following a written notice from the Owners that it is dissatisfied with the performance of the Managers due to such negligence and stating the deficiencies to be remedied, provided however, that the Managers shall not be deemed to have acted negligently if the deficiencies arise or are continuing due to circumstances beyond the control of the Managers, the Exclusive Broker and TCMC, or if the Managers are taking reasonable steps to remedy such deficiencies; or (ii) the gross negligence or wilful default of the Managers or its employees or agents, or sub-contractors employed by them in connection with the Vessel, (iii) in which case (save where loss, damage, delay or expense has resulted from the Managers’ personal act or omission committed with the intent to cause the same or recklessly and with knowledge that such loss, damage, delay or expense would probably result) the Managers’ liability for each incident or series of incidents giving rise to a claim or claims shall never exceed a total of (A) three (3) times the annual management fee payable hereunder with respect to such liability arising under the foregoing sub-clause (i) or (B) ten (10) times the annual management fee payable hereunder with respect to such liability arising under the foregoing sub-clause (ii).
Liability to Owners. (i) Without prejudice to Sub-clause 17(a), the Managers shall be under no liability whatsoever to the Owners for any loss, damage, delayor expense of whatsoever nature, whether direct or indirect, (including but not limited to loss of profit arising out of or in connection with detention of or delay to the Vessel) and howsoever arising in the course of performance of the Management Services. UNLESS same is proved to have resulted solelyfrom the negligence, gross negligence or wilful default of the Managers or their employees or agents, or sub-contractors employed by them in connection with the Vessel, in which case (save where loss, damage, delayor expense has resulted from the Managers’ personal act or omission committed with the intent to cause same or recklessly and with knowledge that such loss, damage, delay or expense would probably result) the Managers’ liability for each incident or series of incidents giving rise to a claim or claims shall never exceed a total of ten (10) times the annual management fee payable hereunder. (ii) Acts or omissions of the Crew - Notwithstanding anything that may appear to the contrary in this Agreement, the Managers shall not be liable for any acts or omissions of the Crew, even if such acts or omissions are negligent, grossly negligent or wilful, except only to the extent that they are shown to have resulted from a failure by the Managers to discharge their obligations under Clause 5(a) (Crew Management), in which case their liabilityshall be limited in accordance with the terms of this Clause 17 (Responsibilities).
Liability to Owners. (i) Without prejudice to Sub-clause 17(a), the Managers shall be under no liability whatsoever to the Owners for any loss, damage, delay or expense of whatsoever nature, whether direct or indirect, (including but not limited to xxxx of profit arising out of or in connection with detention of or delay to the Vessel) and howsoever arising in the course of performance of the Management Services UNLESS same is proved to have resulted solely from the negligence, gross negligence or wilful default of the Managers or their employees or agents, or sub-contractors employed by them in connection with the Vessel, in which case (save where loss, damage, delay or expense has resulted from the Managers’ personal act or omission
Liability to Owners. (i) Without prejudice to sub-clause 330 be payable for a further period of three calendar months as 267 11.1, the Managers shall be under no liability whatsoever to the 331 from the termination date. In addition, provided that the 268 Owners for any loss, damage, delay or expense of whatsoever 332 Managers provide Crew for the Vessel in accordance with sub- 269 nature, whether direct or indirect, (including but not limited to 333 clause 3.1: 270 loss of profit arising out of or in connection with detention of or 334
Liability to Owners. (i) Without prejudice to sub-clause 330 avoidance of any doubt, it is understood that insurance is 11.1 the Managers shall be under no liability whatsoever to the 331 charged on a gross rate basis. Owners for any loss, damage, delay or expense of whatsoever 332
Liability to Owners. (i) Without prejudice to sub clause 11.1, the Managers shall be under no liability whatsoever to the Owners for any loss, damage, delay or expense of whatsoever nature, whether direct or indirect, and howsoever arising in the course of performance of the Management Services UNLESS same is proved to have resulted from the negligence, gross negligence or willful default of the Managers or their employees, or agents or sub-contractors employed by them in connection with the Vessel, in which case (save where loss, damage, delay or expense has resulted from the Managers’ personal act or omission committed with the intent to cause same or recklessly and with knowledge that such loss, damage, delay or expense would probably result) the Managers’ liability for each incident or series of incidents giving rise to a claim or claims shall never exceed a total of ten times the annual management fee payable hereunder.
Liability to Owners. Without prejudice to the liability/indemnity clauses referred to in this Agreement, the Broker shall be under no liability whatsoever to the Owner for any loss, damage, delay or expenses of whatsoever nature, whether direct or indirect, and howsoever arising in the course of performance of the services provided unless same is proved to have resulted solely from the gross negligence or willful default of the Broker’s or his employees, or agents or sub-contractors employed by them in connection with the Vessel, in which case (save where loss, damage, delay or expenses has resulted from the Broker’s personal act or omission committed with the intent to cause same or recklessly and with knowledge that such loss, damage, delay or expenses would probably result) the Broker’s liability for each incident or series of incidents giving rise to a claim or claims shall never exceed a total of ten times the annual charter brokerage commission payable under this Agreement, based on the commission payable with respect to the charter of the Vessel at the time of the incident.